NHDPlus Accumulation Extension Files
Each major drainage area of the United States contains a suite of NHDPlusV2 data. Within a drainage area, the NHDPlusV2 accumulation extension components are packaged into compressed files by Vector Processing Unit (VPU).
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NHDPlusV2 Distribution Filename Key
V2nn is Version (2) and subversion (nn) of the NHDPlusV2 data model
dd is the drainage area identifier
VPUid is the VPU identifier
RPUid is the RPU identifier
Componentname is the name of the NHDPlusV2 component contained in the file
vv is the data content version, 01, 02, ... for the component
Additional information about the NHDPlusV2 content and distribution format
can be found in the "NHDPlusV2 User Guide" (182 pp, 4.3 MB, About PDF)