RAD Event Info Service
- Description
- Usage Scenarios
- Code Samples
- Input Parameters
- Output Return Object
- Http Service
- Changelog
The RAD Event Information Service is intended to allow dynamic yet efficient query access to RAD events and associated information. While the RAD utilizes a single common data structure, differing programs provide differing usage models of RAD data. The RAD information service leverages these usage models to combine an efficient query with a simple output data object. The creation of data usage models is an ongoing process.
Usage Scenarios
pt1to1 - Point Events One-to-One
RAD Programs: PCS
The Point Events One-to-One usage model is about the simplest usage model in the RAD. Each unique source_featureid is related directly to a single RAD point event. The unique point event in turn is easily related to single underlying NHD features and NHDPlus data. As a series of simple one-to-one relationships, this usage model utilizes specific queries taking advantage of the simplicity to provide efficient results.
Code Samples
- Event Information - pt1to1 Model (OpenLayers) Exit
- Event Information - pt1to1 Model (Esri Leaflet) Exit
Input Parameters
Parameter | Datatype | Description |
pRadQuery | String | Array of rad_event_info_input objects. |
pRadQueryMod | String | Modifier explaining the format of the rad_event_info_input array complex object in the pRadQuery parameter. See the complex object modifier descriptions for more information. |
pRadWhereClauses | String | Array of ow_query_clause objects. Query clauses allow users to apply specific conditions to the data selection. For RAD queries this feature is used when requesting specific records from archive tables by cycle_year, start_date or end_date. |
pRadWhereClausesMod | String | Modifier explaining the pRadWhereClauses complex object. See the complex object modifier descriptions for more information. |
pRadWhereLogicalOperator | String | AND/OR - indicating the logical operator between individual where clauses. Default value is AND. |
pRADUsageModel | String | Keyword indicating the RAD usage model used in examining RAD data. Current valid value is pt1to1. |
Parameter | Datatype | Description |
rad_program | String | RAD program to query. |
source_featureid | String | RAD program source_featureid to query |
archive_flag | String | TRUE/FALSE indicating whether to execute the query against the production or archive table. Note: not all RAD programs archive results, more information is available here. When possible use the production table for speedier results |
eventtype | String | P/L/A or any combinations. Hint indicating whether to query or not specific geometry types of a give RAD program. For example, when querying BEACH program data, provide the hint "PL" to avoid altogether the query against the empty BEACH area table. Please utilize whenever possible to avoid unnecessary database usage. Note: some RAD usage models may alter or override this hint. |
Additional parameters specific to HTTP services are listed in the WATERS HTTP Services documentation.
Output Return Object
The return object for this service will varying depending on the RAD Usage Model chosen:
Point Event One-to-one (pt1to1): rad_pt1to1_event_output_grp
Property | Datatype | Description |
results | Array of Object |
See rad_pt1to1_event_output. |
status_code | Number | Code indicating that the service returned an erroneous condition. A value of zero indicates success. |
status_message | String | Message explaining any errors indicated by the status code. |
Point Event One-to-one (pt1to1): rad_pt1to1_event_output
Property | Datatype | Description |
program_type | String | RAD program abbreviation indicating program to which this feature belongs. This information is often duplicated in the eventtype and/or source_datadesc fields. However this practice is not standardized across all programs. |
archive_flag | String | TRUE/FALSE indicating if this RAD feature originates from the production or archive RAD table. |
comid | Number | Unique numeric identification number for the event. |
eventdate | Date | The date the event was created or updated. |
eventtype | String | Value indicating the program for which the event has been created. |
reachcode | String | The reach code value of the NHD feature the event occurs upon. |
reachsmdate | Date | Date that the NHD reach code was assigned thus tying the event to a specific version of the NHD. |
resolution | Number | Integer value indicating the resolution of the NHD waterbody feature the event occurs upon. All current RAD features have a value of 3 indicating the medium resolution NHD. |
source_originator | String | Abbreviated name of the organization submitting the event. |
source_datadesc | String | Descriptive field used to store auxiliary information about the indexing process or other critical data quality measures. |
source_featureid | String | Foreign key to external program database. |
featuredetailurl | String | Internet hyperlink to supplemental program information for the event record. |
offset | Number | Event display offset. |
measure | Number | Measure value that a point event occurs at upon a reached NHD flowline. |
geogstate | String | Abbreviation of the state where the event takes place regardless of the source originator. In most cases this will be the same as source_originator, but they may differ in cases such that tribes, state cooperators, and other non-state specific organizations manage the data. This distinction allows for both state based and management-based analysis |
cycle_year | String | Optional field indicating a year for which the event is considered to be valid. Only a subset of programs track events via cycle year. |
start_date | Date | The date by which the event is considered by the source program to be active. |
end_date | Date | The date by which the event is considered by the source program to be no longer active. Only utilized in RAD archive tables. |
wbd_huc12 | String | The WBD HUC 12 unit the RAD event is assigned to. |
wbd_huc12_percent | Number | The percentage amount representing the overlap between the WBD HUC 12 and the RAD event. |
flowline_comid | Number | The unique identifier of the NHD flowline feature upon which the point event resides. |
flowline_ftype | String | The description of the type of flowline feature upon which the point event resides. |
flowline_fcode | Number | The NHD code referencing the type of flowline feature upon which the point event resides. This value is more detailed than the ftype description. |
flowline_gnis_id | String | The USGS Geographic Names Information System identification number for the flowline feature upon which the point event resides. |
flowline_gnis_name | String | The USGS Geographic Names Information System textual name for the flowline feature upon which the point event resides. |
waterbody_comid | Number | In some cases point events may occur along stretches of NHD flowline defined as an "artificial path". Artificial paths connect flowline features crossing through reached NHD waterbody features. In these cases the point event may also be associated with a NHD waterbody feature. This field hold the unique identifier of the waterbody feature. |
waterbody_ftype | String | The description of the type of waterbody feature with which the point event is associated. |
waterbody_fcode | Number | The NHD code referencing the type of waterbody feature with which the point event is associated. |
waterbody_gnis_id | String | The USGS Geographic Names Information System identification number for the waterbody feature with which the point event is associated. |
waterbody_gnis_name | String | The USGS Geographic Names Information System textual name for the waterbody feature with which the point event is associated. |
vertices | Number | Count of vertices in the geometry. Will always be 1 in the case of point geometries. |
shape | Geometry | Geometry of the RAD point event. |
The output format for this service is JSON with GEOJSON formatted geometries.
HTTP Service
Resource | Location |
Runtime Endpoint |
https://ofmpub.epa.gov/waters10/RADEventInfo.Service |
Database Service
Database Instance |
Schema | Resource |
Version: 3.0 - Released: February 03, 2014
- SOAP version of the service decommissioned.
Version: 2.0 - Released: September 29, 2009
- Initial Release of HTTP Services and updated web page content