Water as a Resource: Financing Opportunities for Municipal Stormwater Management
Presentations and materials from the Stormwater Finance Forum held in Alhambra, California at the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, on April 3, 2017.
The forum was hosted by the Water Infrastructure and Resiliency Finance Center, EPA Region 9, the Environmental Finance Center at California State, Sacramento and the California State Water Resources Control Board.
Framing the Challenges and Opportunities in Funding Stormwater Programs
Planning for Success - What Program Managers Need to do to Win Financing
Engaging the Public and Decision-Makers to Market Your Program
Public Grant/Loan Programs to Fund Stormwater Projects
Fee Programs and Other Ongoing Local Funding Sources
Unconventional Funding Sources
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- Water Finance Forum Agenda (PDF)(3 pp, 133 K)
Welcome and Introduction (PDF)(22 pp, 1 MB)
(Jim Gebhardt, U.S. EPA Water Infrastructure and Resiliency Finance Center, Gebhardt.jim@epa.gov)
- Federal and State Funding Programs - Stormwater and Green Infrastructure Projects (PDF)(6 pp, 197 K)
What Makes Stormwater Success Difficult? (PDF)(14 pp, 808 K)
(Ken Farfsing, Carson City Manager, kfarfsing@carson.ca.us)
How Growing Funding Opportunities, Improved Planning and Marketing, and Multi-Purpose Vision Are Providing Solutions (PDF)(21 pp, 2 MB)
(Steve Moore, Vice Chair, California State Water Resources Control Board, SMoore@waterboards.ca.gov)
Focusing on the Triple Bottom Line – Planning Your Program to Meet Multiple Needs (PDF)(16 pp, 505 K)
(Daniel Apt, OLAUNU Consulting, dapt@olaunu.com)
Estimating Stormwater Program Costs and Benefits (PDF)(10 pp, 2 MB)
(Chad Praul, Environmental Incentives, cpraul@enviroincentives.com)
Potential Roles of Financial Capability Assessment in Stormwater Finance (PDF)(11 pp, 647 K)
(Drew Kleis, City of San Diego, akleis@sandiego.gov)
Shifting the Mindset – Preparing to “Sell” Stormwater to the Public and Decision-makers (PDF)(13 pp, 888 K)
(Jason Drew, NCE, jdrew@ncenet.com)
Franklin D. Roosevelt Park Regional Stormwater Capture Project (PDF)(12 pp, 7 MB)
(Genevieve Osmena, Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, gosmena@dpw.lacounty.gov)
Discussion: What Support Do Cities Need to Build Capacity to Plan and Market? (PDF)(6 pp, 289 K)
(Annalisa Kihara and Jeffrey Albrecht, State Water Resources Control Board STORMS Program, Annalisa.Kihara@waterboards.ca.gov, jeffrey.albrecht@waterboards.ca.gov)
Proposition 1 and Other State Grants (PDF)(8 pp, 2 MB)
(Joe Karkoski, State Water Resources Control Board, Joe.Karkoski@waterboards.ca.gov)
State Revolving Fund Loans and Principal Forgiveness (PDF)(14 pp, 612 K)
(Wennilyn Fua, State Water Resources Control Board, wennilyn.fua@waterboards.ca.gov)
Transportation-Related Grants (PDF)(15 pp, 808 K)
(Constantine Kontaxis, CalTrans, constantine.kontaxis@dot.ca.gov)
FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (PDF)(13 pp, 1 MB)
(Jennifer Hogan, CA Office of Emergency Services, Jennifer.Hogan@CalOES.ca.gov; Katie Grasty, Federal Emergency Management Agency, katie.grasty@fema.dhs.gov)
Measure CW: The Clean Water, Clean Beach Parcel Tax (PDF)(21 pp, 1 MB)
(Charles Herbertson, City of Culver City, charles.herbertson@culvercity.org)
Proposition 218 Reform Prospects and Development of Local Funding Sources (PDF)(12 pp, 412 K)
(Richard Watson, Richard Watson and Associates, rwatson@rwaplanning.com)
Expanding Your Reach: Using Other Local Fees and Revenues (PDF)(24 pp, 3 MB)
(John Bliss, SCI Consulting, john.bliss@sci-cg.com)
Prospects for Public-Private Partnerships in the Municipal Stormwater Sector (PDF)(12 pp, 464 K)
(Scott Boardman, West Coast Exchange, scott.boardman@westcoastx.org)
Pay for Performance and Other Unconventional Approaches (PDF)(12 pp, 799 K)
(Jeremy Sokulsky, Environmental Incentives, jsokulsky@enviroincentives.com)
Stormwater Crediting Programs (PDF)(9 pp, 756 K)
(Laurie Walsh, San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board, laurie.walsh@waterboards.ca.gov)