Partnering for Security and Resilience Webinar Series
Throughout 2020, EPA will be partnering with water sector associations on a webinar series, “Partnering for Security and Resilience.” This webinar series, held monthly, will highlight the role water agencies have in enhancing security and resilience of the water sector. EPA’s Office of Water (OW) Water Security Division (WSD) host these free webinars to communicate directly with utility managers/operators, technical assistance providers, as well as federal, state, local, and tribal governments to foster collaboration and dissemination of information.
Webinar participants will be provided information on opportunities to increase resilience and to learn about tools and resources that can help utilities prepare for natural disasters and malevolent acts.
Partner | Topic | Date | Registration Link |
ASDWA | AWIA Section 2018 | 2/20/2020 | (Closed) Recording Link Exit |
AWWA | Operationalize your ERP with Resource Typing | 3/24/2020 | (Closed) Recording LinkExit |
RCAP | America's Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA): Guidance for Small Systems | 6/10/2020 |
(Closed) Recording LinkExit |
Enhancing Climate Resilience in the Water Sector |
7/29/2020 | (Closed) Recording Link Exit |
APHL | Prepare, Respond, Recover: Emergency Response Resources for Public and Environmental Health Laboratories | 8/19/2020 | Canceled |
WaterISAC & AMWA | Building Security and Resilience to Cyber Threats, Disinformation, and other Hazards in the Water and Wastewater Sector | 10/7/2020 | (Closed) Recording LinkExit |