Homes Transition
WaterSense Labeled Homes: Certification System Transition Period
WaterSense released Version 1.3 of the WaterSense Home Certification System in May, 2020 and completed the transition at the end of 2020.
What should you do?
- Builders— As of January 1, 2021, builder partners will need to use a WaterSense home verifier per the new Certification System (Version 1.3). Builders should contract directly with a verifier or approved HCO, depending on the business relationship. You can also speak to your existing rating company or certification/verification provider to see if they support WaterSense certification.
- Licensed Certification Providers or Water Efficiency Inspectors (or “WaterSense Raters”)—You should have already coordinated this transition with RESNET. However, if you have not, contact RESNETExitfor more information.
- Interested WaterSense Home Verifiers or Home Certification Organization (HCO)—If you are interested in becoming a WaterSense home verifier, you will need to be trained by an approved HCO. Organizations interested in becoming a WaterSense HCO should review the requirements of the WaterSense Home Certification System and submit an application (DOC).
If you have any questions about the WaterSense labeled homes program or about this transition, please contact the WaterSense helpline.