The WaterSense Label
What the Label Means
WaterSense labeled products meet EPA's specifications for water efficiency and performance, and are backed by independent, third-party certification.
Certifying organizations help maintain the WaterSense label’s integrity and credibility by verifying and testing products for conformance to WaterSense specifications, efficiency, performance, and label use, and also conduct periodic market surveillance.
Products bearing the WaterSense label:
- Perform as well or better than their less efficient counterparts.
- Are 20 percent more water efficient than average products in that category.
- Realize water savings on a national level.
- Provide measurable water savings results.
- Achieve water efficiency through several technology options.
Use our product search tool to find WaterSense labeled products featuring a wide variety of price points and a broad range of styles. WaterSense also labels professional certification programs and promotes professionals certified by a WaterSense labeled program.
Labels & Logos
WaterSense labels and program marks can be found across a variety of materials, in many different locations, and are used for specific reasons.
WaterSense LabelIdentifies a water-efficient product that has been independently certified to meet EPA WaterSense criteria for efficiency and performance. The organization that certified the product is identified below the label. |
Promotional LabelShows what the WaterSense label looks like and advertises the availability of WaterSense labeled products. |
Builder Promotional LogoAdvertises that a builder is constructing homes that meet the WaterSense specification for homes. |
Program LogoPromotes the WaterSense program in materials when talking about WaterSense in general or educating the public about the program. |
Partner LogoSignifies an organization’s commitment to promoting water efficiency and formal partnership with the WaterSense program. |
To access high resolution versions of these logos and marks, please contact the WaterSense Helpline or (866) WTR-SENS (987-7367). You can also review our guidelines on the use of WaterSense labels and program marks.