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Aquatic Resources Awareness Course for Real Estate Appraisers

Screen capture from the module entitled Aquatic Resources Awareness Course for Real Estate AppraisersThis course is best viewed in Chrome. This training module is designed for licensed real estate appraisers. The goal of this module is to increase awareness of aquatic resources, including why and how they are protected under environmental laws, what signs to look for that might indicate their presence in the environment, and how they can be documented as part of an appraisal.

After successful completion of this module, real estate appraisers should have a general awareness of aquatic resources and be able to accurately complete the portion of the Uniform Residential Appraisal Report form that deals with site conditions.

This course is approved for continuing education credits by the Appraisal Foundation’s Appraiser Qualifications Board Course Approval Program.

Launch Course

Note: This module includes both audio and video. Please turn on your volume. Some features of the module may be unavailable on mobile devices or some web browsers. For example, the Resources Tab in the upper right corner may not be functional in Internet Explorer, but is functional in Chrome. A transcript of the audio can be found under the Transcript tab within the course player itself. In addition, the transcript, photo credits and list of additional resources contained within the module can also be accessed below:

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