Key Concepts of Water Quality Standards
An Online Introductory Course
What are water quality standards? How are water quality criteria related to designated uses? The answers to these and many other questions related to water quality standards can be found in this multi-media, Web-based training course designed by EPA's Office of Science and Technology for state and tribal employees and the general public. The online training course focuses on key aspects of the water quality standards program and other related Clean Water Act programs. The online course is an abbreviated version of the week-long, in-class Water Quality Standards Academy Basic Course. This course includes the following modules:
- Module 1: Overview
- Module 2: Use
- Module 3: Criteria
- Module 4: Antidegradation
- Module 5: Flexibilities
- Module 6: Review
This abbreviated online version of the Water Quality Standards Program Basic Course can be used as an introductory unit for those with little familiarity with water quality standards and criteria concepts, as preparation for taking the classroom course, or as a refresher course for those with experience in the subject. In addition to the main pages, each module includes links to supplementary resources and supporting materials (e.g. clips of films) and concludes with a brief quiz intended to touch on some key concepts that are further examined in the classroom session of each module. The main pages and quiz for each module are designed to take users approximately 15 minutes to complete. Each time you complete a module quiz, you are presented with a password (Remember to record your passwords!). After completing all six modules, you can obtain your online Certificate of Completion by inputting the six passwords into an online form at the end of the course. (Note that quiz responses are not scored or recorded.)