Web Standard: On this Page/Table of Contents
"On this Page" is a table of contents, or a list of links, most often found at the top of the page, that links to information found further down the page.
Content Requirement
- Use a table of contents on pages that contain more than one main section, and that are more than two screenfuls long.
- As an introduction, before the contents list, write a short blurb for the page (one sentence may be sufficient) unless the information presented on the page is completely intuitive.
- After the introduction, create a bulleted table of contents with links to each heading. If the page presents questions and answers, the links will be to the questions.
- Capitalize only the first word of the anchored links.
- If closely related information on this topic is available on other pages, a second “On Other Pages” bulleted table of contents may also be displayed (see Example 2 below).
- A horizontal rule is added after the table of contents.
Example 1
Example 2
About this Standard
All EPA public web content must adhere to the EPA Web Standards, the U.S. Web Design System guidelines, and the 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act.
Original effective date: 09/12/2012
Date last reviewed and approved: 04/11/2018
Next Web Council review by: 04/11/2021 (or earlier if deemed necessary by the Web Council).