Project Description
Miami-Dade County Water and Sewer Department will construct fourteen new injection wells at three wastewater treatment plants. When the construction of this project and all necessary associated facilities are complete, Miami-Dade County will eliminate routine ocean discharges and be in compliance with the State of Florida’s Ocean Outfall Legislation Program. In addition, the project will reduce sanitary sewer overflows, increase capacity for the management of peak wet weather flows, reduce nutrient concentrations, and improve system resiliency.
Project Benefits
- Eliminates the normal use of ocean outfalls for disposal of treated wastewater.
- Reduces environmental impacts associated with the use of existing ocean outfalls consistent with Florida’s Ocean Outfall Legislation (OOL).
- Saves Miami-Dade County an estimated $15.7 million from financing with a WIFIA loan compared to a bond issuance.