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Table 1. Summary of 49 States and Puerto Rico/USVI Bioassessment and Biocriteria Programs

Biocriteria in Water Quality Standards Number of Programs (51 total)
Narrative biocriteria statement only 15
Narrative biocriteria statement with quantitative implementation procedures or translators only 19
Numeric biocriteria (all states with numeric bio criteria also have narratives) 5
Assemblages in Bioassessment Program  
Benthic macroinvertebrates 49
Fish 36
Periphyton 22
Amphibians 4
> 1 assemblage assessed 45
Application of Biocriteria and/or Bioassessment Data  
Support 303(d) listings 45
Support antidegradation policies 15
Refining Aquatic Life Use 22
305(b) water condition assessments 43
Non-point source assessments 38
BMP evaluation 30
Restoration goals 28