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Water Quality Standards Regulations: Florida

Presented below are water quality standards in effect for Clean Water Act (CWA) purposes for this state.

EPA is posting these standards as a convenience to users and has made a reasonable effort to assure their accuracy. Also, for each document listed under "State Standards in Effect for CWA Purposes", EPA has made a reasonable effort to identify parts of the standards that are disapproved or are otherwise not in effect for CWA purposes.

Presented below are water quality standards for the state of Florida in effect for CWA purposes.

EPA is posting these standards as a convenience to users and has made a reasonable effort to assure their accuracy. Also, for each document listed under "State Standards in Effect for CWA Purposes", EPA has made a reasonable effort to identify parts of the standards that are disapproved or are otherwise not in effect for CWA purposes.

On this page:

State Standards in Effect for CWA Purposes

Sections of Florida Administrative Code Addressing Water Quality Standards

EPA has not taken any action under section 303(c) regarding those provisions which are not water quality standards. Please refer to cover page.

Site Specific Alternative Criteria (SSACs) Established by Florida

  • [See Site Specific Alternative Criteria for Florida ]
    Florida has adopted a number of Site Specific Alternative Criteria (SSACs) that are in effect for Clean Water Act purposes. SSACs are either adopted or established by Secretarial order. Historically the specific SSAC have not been listed in the Florida water quality standards regulations.

List of Nutrient TMDLs that are Hierarchy 1 Interpretations Under Rule 62-302.531(2)(a), F.A.C.

  • [See List of Nutrient TMDLs for Florida ]
    The list of TMDLs have been fully approved as site-specific interpretations of the narrative nutrient criterion.  For nutrient parameters or chlorophyll a not listed in the table for a given waterbody, the generally applicable NNC listed in Rules 62-302.531 and 62-302.532, F.A.C., apply based on the waterbody type.

Variances Established by Florida

  • [See Water Quality Standards Variances for Florida ]
    Florida has adopted several variances and has submitted those to EPA for approval. Historically the variances have not been listed in Florida water quality standards regulations. Additional detail regarding these EPA approved variances can be found at the link above.

Sections of Florida Administrative Code Addressing Water Quality Standards

  • [See Section 62-4—Permits ]
    (Effective July 24, 2017) This document contains all of Section 62-4, although only 62-4.242 through 62-4.246 include water quality standards provisions. Not all sections are effective for Clean Water Act purposes; please refer to cover page.
  • [See Sections 62-600.120 and 62-660.300, F.A.C. ]
    Exemptions for Domestic Wastewater Facilities and Industrial Wastewater Facilities.
  • [See Section 62-611 ]
    This document contains sections 62-611.450, 62-611.500, and 62-611.600 that address treatment and receiving wetland, including discharge limits, permitting requirements, and standards apply within the waterbodies.
  • [See Section 62-303 - Identification of Impaired Surface Waters ]
    (Effective July 24, 2017) This document establishes the methodology and protocols by which the state identifies, lists, and delists impaired surface waters.
    • EPA has not yet acted upon the revisions to 62-303.720(2)(k)2 and 62-303.720(2)(k)6 and therefore, are not in effect for CWA purposes.
    • EPA has determined that some of the provisions are not water quality standards.  Water quality standards consist of these components (40 CFR §131):
      • Designated uses are those uses specified in water quality standards for each water body or segment whether or not they are being attained.
      • Criteria are expressed as constituent concentrations, levels, or narrative statements, representing a quality of water that supports a particular use.  When criteria are met, water quality will generally protect the designated use.  
      • Antidegradation policies protect the level of water quality necessary to maintain the existing uses.
      • General policies, variances, compliance schedule authorizing provisions, and federally promulgated water quality standards.

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Sections of Florida Statute (F.S.) Addressing Water Quality Standards

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Federally Proposed or Promulgated Standards

Below are EPA proposed or promulgated rules that apply to the state of Florida, either exclusively or collectively with other states. A link to Florida’s state-issued Water Quality Standards can be found at the bottom of this page.

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