Use the WSIO Tool
This is where you can open and use the WSIO Tool to select and compare watersheds in an area of interest. Click on the button below to start creating your custom-built WSIO Tool for a specific geographic area. Once the Tool is downloaded, the user defines the geographic extent of the project area, selects indicators from the database, and saves their custom WSIO Tool for offline use.
WSIO Quick Start Guide: Basic steps to start using the WSIO Tool are available in this downloadable document.
WSIO User Manual: Detailed guidance on all functions of the WSIO Tool is available in this downloadable document. Users should review this document before and during online WSIO Tool use.
WSIO Data and Metadata Downloads: The recommended route to obtaining data from WSIO is through creating and downloading a custom WSIO Tool, but users can also download just the indicator data for a region of their choice at the link below. Also at the downloads page, users can open the WSIO indicator library metadata file and review indicator types and descriptions, which can be a useful planning step before selecting indicators while creating the Tool.