Lamar University |
SU835991 |
Sustainable Anticorrosive Self-Healing Smart Coatings for Metal Protection |
California State University - Chico |
SU835992 |
Evaluating Biofiltration in Small Urban Areas: Chico, California Case Study |
Washington State University |
SU835993 |
TrashWalls: Ultra Low-Cost Energy Retrofits (ULCER) |
New Jersey Institute of Technology |
SU835994 |
A Low Cost Family Water Filter for Developing Countries |
University of California - Santa Cruz |
SU835995 |
Evaluating Reactive Barrier Technology to Enhance Microbially -Mediated Denitrification during Managed Aquifer Recharge |
Lewis University |
SU835996 |
Design of a Solar Powered Water Purification System Utilizing Biomimetic Photocatalytic Nanocomposite Materials |
North Central State College |
SU835997 |
Designing lighter weight, energy efficient cookstoves with materials available in Malawi, Africa |
University of Dayton |
SU835998 |
Solar-Thermal Adsorption Refrigerator (STAR) |
University of Toledo |
SU835999 |
"Greenbox" - A Novel Community-Based Food Waste-to-Energy Collection System |
University of Kentucky |
SU836115 |
A Green Chemistry Approach for Producing Non-Synthetic Pesticide in Under-Developed Regions |
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
SU836116 |
Direct One-step Culture Detection of Vibrio cholera in Drinking Water in Low-Resource and Disaster Settings |
Cornell University |
SU836117 |
Novel reactor design for enhanced removal of fluoride using a modified Nalgonda method |
Southern Illinois University - Carbondale |
SU836118 |
An integrated platform for producing biofuels from sweet sorghum bagasse |
Manhattan College |
SU836119 |
Using hazardous byproduct of mining industry as a corrosion inhibitor |
University of California - Davis |
SU836120 |
Sustainable Bio-Fertilizer from Anaerobically Digested Animal Manure |
University of Maryland - Eastern Shore |
SU836121 |
Development of aromatic dehalogenases as a tool to remediate halogenated aromatic pollutants |
Auburn University |
SU836122 |
Development of 3D-printed surfaces for ultra-high surface area trickling biofilters for water pollution remediation |
James Madison University |
SU836123 |
Developing a Wearable Air Quality Sensor for Understanding Community Air Quality |
University of Missouri - Columbia |
SU836124 |
Water quality monitoring at hydraulic fracturing sites using molecularly imprinted porous hydrogels |
Gonzaga University |
SU836125 |
Design Support for Green Building in the Wildland-Urban Interface to Enhance Sustainability and Fire Resistance |
University of California - Riverside |
SU836126 |
Rice Husk: A Sustainable Building Material for the Philippines |
Embry - Riddle Aeronautical University |
SU836127 |
Improving Efficiency of Building-integrated Photovoltaic Panels Using Phase Change Materials |
Georgia Institute of Technology |
SU836128 |
Sustainable aquaponic systems to end hunger and homelessness and provide employment in the inner cities of America |
Antioch College |
SU836129 |
Xylem Filtration: The Next Generation Approach to Accessing Clean Drinking Water |
Mississippi State University |
SU836130 |
Low cost desalination process for rural and coastal communities |
Purdue University |
SU836131 |
Development of Distributed Off-grid Wind Energy System for Rural African Communities |
University of Central Florida |
SU836132 |
Algae Biofuel Osmosis Dewatering (ABODE): A novel process for biofuel feedstock generation and advances in microalgae separation using forward osmosis |
Texas Southern University |
SU836133 |
Automated Hydroponic Green Roof with Rainwater Recycling Infrastructure for Residential and Commercial Buildings |
University of Kansas |
SU836134 |
Harvesting the Otherwise Wasted Heat of LED Lights in Green Buildings |
University of Cincinnati |
SU836164 |
Sensible Home: Micro-environmental control through wearable personal sensors |
Kansas State University |
SU836136 |
Net Zero Energy Air Filtration: Innovative Filter Media Applications for Improved Indoor Air Quality and Energy Efficiency |
University of Arkansas - Fayetteville |
SU836137 |
Biosensor design for infectious, water-borne agents |
California State University - Monterey Bay |
SU836138 |
Advanced Bioreactor |
University of Hawaii at Manoa |
SU836139 |
Control of pathogens and pharmaceutical compounds by biochar-supported photocatalysts under solar light irradiation |
California State University - Sacramento |
SU836140 |
A Multi-Trophic Sustainable Food Production System Integrating Aquaponics and Bio-Waste Recycling |
Southern Methodist University |
SU836141 |
Synthesis of Graphene Oxide/Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles and Its Application for Removal of Emerging Contaminants in Drinking Water |
University of California - Riverside |
SU836142 |
Sustain-A-Drain: A Novel Indicative Hydrocarbon Filtration System |
Southern Illinois University - Carbondale |
SU836143 |
Recovery of Rare Earth and other Strategic Materials from Coal Ash |