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P3 Student Design Competition

How to Apply for a P3 Grant

EPA offers funding opportunities through the P3 program annually. The Phase I Request for Applications (RFA) opens in the fall for approximately 45 days. Grants are awarded for the following academic year of study.

The P3 competition is open exclusively to teams of undergraduate and/or graduate students attending U.S. colleges, universities and other post-secondary educational institutions. Applicants (both student team members and faculty advisors) must be citizens of the United States or its territories, or be lawfully admitted to the United States. Students must be enrolled in the college, university, or post-secondary educational institution they will be representing.

Interdisciplinary teams containing representatives from non-engineering/science disciplines including (but not limited to) architecture, industrial design, business, economics, policy, social sciences and others are encouraged to apply.

Application Overview

An informational webinar about the 2019 RFA and application process was held on Nov. 8, 2018. The presentation slides may be viewed here.