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Air Emissions Factors and Quantification

AP 42, Fifth Edition, Volume I Chapter 13: Miscellaneous Sources

AP 42, Fifth Edition, Volume I, Chapter 13: Miscellaneous Sources

13.0 Introduction to Miscellaneous Sources

13.1 Wildfires and Prescribed Burning

13.2 Introduction to Fugitive Dust Sources

13.2.1 Paved Roads

13.2.2 Unpaved Roads

13.2.3 Heavy Construction Operations

  • Final Section - January 1995 (PDF) (7 pp, 61 K)
  • Errata - Section corrected February 2010 - References to a "Material Handling Factor in section 13.2.2" in Table 13.2.3-1 were updated to say "Material handling emission factor equation in Section 13.2.4." The reference to section to 13.2.2 was an error.

13.2.4 Aggregate Handling and Storage Piles

13.2.5 Industrial Wind Erosion

13.2.6 Abrasive Blasting

13.3 Explosives Detonation

13.4 Wet Cooling Towers

13.5 Industrial Flares

Flare Efficiency Study, EPA 600/2-83-052 - July 1983 (PDF) (142 pp, 3 MB) - Primary reference for the section.