An official website of the United States government.
This is not the current EPA website. To navigate to the current EPA website, please go to This website is historical material reflecting the EPA website as it existed on January 19, 2021. This website is no longer updated and links to external websites and some internal pages may not work. More information »
Documentation for the 2011 NEI is ongoing at this time. Updates will be posted as available. Requests for additional information can be made to the Info CHIEF Help Desk at
Priority Facility List (xls)(1 pg, 2 MB)
: Facilities deemed high priority based on aggregate contribution to emission
Nonpoint Emissions Tool and Methods
Nonpoint Categories (xlsx)(1 pg, 18 K)
that EPA is developing emission estimates for or planning to pull forward the 2008 estimates for use in 2011, if not provided by Agencies. (Updated September 2012)
Data and documentation: MS Excel spreadsheets with emission factors, activities and county level allocation factors, and MS Word documents that describe the methodology used to estimate emissions
Oil & Gas Emission Estimation Tool: (ZIP 6.5 MB) Includes the Access database tool, Supporting Materials, Documentation and Instructions for version 2. (Updated November 2014)
The data posted at this site will include only the latest version of the 2011 NEI. This webpage should not be used as a reference for past versions of the NEI and users wanting a record of data used in their analysis should archive and document those inventories to meet their own archival needs. Users should not assume that the data posted on this site will stay the same as the data they use at a given point time.
The full detail data files for the Point, Onroad, Nonroad and Nonpoint data categories can be downloaded from the list below. Please note these files are larger than previous inventories and can be linked in Access if importing fails. These SCC data files do not include “events” data -wildfires and prescribed burning emissions. The events data can be found at the “Prescribed/Wildfires by Pollutant” link below under “Other Emissions Summaries”. To obtain a complete inventory total, please include these data in addition to the 4 SCC data files provided here.
The facility query provides a map of facilities for a selected state along with tabular data for the selected pollutant(s). Please note that the map only displays if there are less than 25 pollutants selected. If more than 25 pollutants are selected then only the tabular data will be displayed.