Posters displayed during the 2017 Inernational Emissions Inventory conference.
You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.- Improved Temporalization of Small Non-CAMD EGUs (PDF)(1 pg, 907 K, 8/15/2017, H. Ashenafi and E. Bull, )
- Sound Data Leads to Sound Analysis: EPA's RTR Program (PDF)(1 pg, 9 MB, 8/15/2017, E. Goehl and T. Palma)
- Year 2014 Emissions Inventory for the Gulf of Mexico OCS (PDF)(1 pg, 19 MB, 8/15/2017, H. Ensz and S.Enoch)
- An Evaluation of NOx and VOC Emissions in the National Emission Inventory by Source Apportionment Technology (PDF)(1 pg, 3 MB, 8/15/2017, J-S Lin and E. Zalewsky)
- Development in Emission Measurements using Lightweight Sensors and Samplers (PDF)(1 pg, 610 K, 8/15/2017, J. Aurell, A. Holder, W. Mitchell, B. Seay, and B. Gullett)
- A Comparison Between Model and Literature-Based Emission Factors for Wildland Fires (PDF)(1 pg, 4 MB, 8/15/2017, A. Seagram, SM Huang and V. Rao)
- Comparison of Three Marine Black Carbon Measurement Methods (PDF)(1 pg, 2 MB, 8/15/2017, J. Yang, K. C. Johnson, J. W. Miller, T. D. Durbin, Y. Jiang, G. Karavalakis and D. R. Crocker III)
- Sensitivity of Nox Emissions for On-Road Mobile Gasoline Vehicles Estimated by MOVES2014a to Fuel Sulfur Content in Gasoline (PDF)(1 pg, 612 K, 8/15/2017, G. Grodzinsky, D. Tian and J. Boylan)
- Prescribed Grassland Smoke Plume Observations Using Lidar in the Northern Flint Hills Region (PDF)(1 pg, 3 MB, 8/15/2017, J. L. Wilkins, K. Baker, M. Landis, J. Aurell and B. Gullett)
- Sensitivity of MOVES-Estimated Vehicle Emissions to Inputs When Comparing to Real-World Measurements (PDF)(1 pg, 196 K, 8/15/2017, D. Sonntag, D. Choi, C. Toro and M. Beardsley)
- Evaluation of Revised Emissions Factors for Emissions Prediction and Smoke Management (PDF)(1 pg, 842 K, 8/15/2017, S. Prichard, S. O'Neil and S. Urbanski)
- Estimating Point Source Condensable PM (CPM) Emissions in Inventories (PDF)(1 pg, 264 K, 8/15/2017, R. Merrill. B. Parker, M. Hays and V. Rao)
- Accuracy, Communication and Transparency: Expanding the Scope of Accountability and Collaboration in Emissions Reporting (PDF)(1 pg, 2 MB, 8/15/2017, H. Sadeghi)
- E-Enterprise: Combined Air Emissions Reporting (CAER) (PDF)(1 pg, 158 K, 8/15/2017, S. Dombrowski)
- Rice Cultivation and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Review and Conceptual Framework with Reference to Ghana (PDF)(1 pg, 34 MB, 8/15/2017, K. Boateng)
- Facilitating Efficient, High-Quality Emissions Inventory Reporting (PDF)(1 pg, 2 MB, K. Jeffery)
- 2014 v1 National Air Emissions Inventory (PDF)(1 pg, 346 K, 8/15/2017, V. Rao)
- Impact of Using a Projected 2017 U.S. Inventory on Recent Canadian Air Quality Forecasts (PDF)(1 pg, 1 MB)