2014-2016 Version 7 Air Emissions Modeling Platforms
Several emission modeling platforms were created based off the emissions in the 2014 National Emissions Inventory version 2. These emissions modeling platforms support the development of emissions inputs for air quality modeling. The 2014v7.1 platform was used for the 2014 National Air Toxics Assessment (NATA). The 2015v7.1 (alpha) was used for modeling of the year 2015. The 2016v7.1 (alpha), 2016v7.2 (beta and Regional Haze), and 2016v1 platforms are products from the National Emissions Inventory Collaborative which represented a collaboration between more than 245 employees of state and regional air agencies, EPA, and Federal Land Management agencies. The alpha platform was used in the creation of the 2016 Hemispheric platform. The following links describe each of the individual modeling platforms and include the inventories, ancillary data, and scripts required to process the emissions.