CAMD Business System (CBS)
Access the CAMD Business System (CBS) here.
The Clean Air Markets Division (CAMD) operates and maintains the CAMD Business System (CBS), a web-based application that allows sources affected by Clean Air Markets Programs to perform tasks online.
Tasks that can be performed in CBS:
- Add/edit plant and unit data
- Add/edit information for general accounts
- Identify representatives (legally responsible individuals) for a facility or an account
- Open a general account to hold and/or transfer allowances
- Add/edit owner or operator information
- Transfer allowances for any program
- Perform annual compliance-related tasks
- Edit the personal contact information for industry personnel
- Designate agents to perform functions on behalf of representatives
- Manage feedback recipient relationships
For more information, see the CBS help file. The help file can be accessed from any screen in CBS, including the login screen. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our staff listed under "CAMD Business System" on our Business Center and Emissions Monitoring Contacts page.
For your protection and security, enhancements have been made to prevent phishing attacks that may appear to be legitimate emails from CBS. Please review our Phishing Notice and Security Enhancements page for further details.
Getting Started Using CBS
For instructions on obtaining a CBS login, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
Information for Industry Users
You must be recognized as either a Designated Representative (DR), an Alternate DR, or an Agent in CBS in order to receive a user ID and initial password for CBS or Emissions Collection and Monitoring Plan System (ECMPS)Exit.
- Becoming a Designated Representative
- Assigning Agents
- Types of Agents
- Registering to Use CBS and ECMPS
Information for EPA and State Users
CBS allows EPA, state, and local partners to view and manage information, such as:
- Plant and unit level data
- Program data
- Designated representatives
- Agent information
- Facility contact information
- Unit owners and operators
- Feedback recipient relationships
EPA, state, and local partners can view monitoring plan, QA, and emissions data and can register to receive copies of data submission feedback submitted through ECMPS Exit. Users can also use the Field Audit Checklist Tool (FACT) to view monitoring plan, QA, and emissions data.