Documentation for EPA's Power Sector Modeling Platform v6 - November 2018 Reference Case
March 21, 2019 - EPA is making the latest power sector modeling platform available, including the associated input data and modeling assumptions, outputs, and documentation. For questions or other inquiries regarding EPA’s Platform v6 using IPM, please contact us using our online form.
To learn more about EPA’s Platform v6 assumptions, updates, changes, and enhancements, see the links below. These files are available as one document; however, this file does not include the additional attachments and tables. Those will still need to be downloaded separately.
- Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: Modeling Framework
- Chapter 3: Power System Operation Assumptions
- Table 3-20 Regional Net Internal Demand in EPA Platform v6(35 K)
- Table 3-21 Annual Transmission Capabilities of U.S. Model Regions in EPA Platform v6 - 2021(25 K)
- Table 3-22 Turndown Assumptions for Coal Steam Units in EPA Platform v6(121 K)
- Table 3-23 State Power Regulations Included in EPA Platform v6
- Table 3-24 New Source Review (NSR) Settlements in EPA Platform v6
- Table 3-25 State Settlements in EPA Platform v6
- Table 3-26 Citizen Settlements in EPA Platform v6
- Table 3-27 Complete Availability Assumptions in EPA Platform v6(1 MB)
- Table 3-28 BART Regulations Included in EPA Platform v6(591 K)
- Attachment 3-1 NOx Rate Development in EPA Platform v6 (PDF)
- Chapter 4: Generating Resources
- Table 4-38 Onshore Regional Potential Wind Capacity (MW) by TRG and Cost Class in EPA Platform v6(56 K)
- Table 4-39 Wind Generation Profiles in EPA Platform v6(118 MB)
- Table 4-40 Capital Cost Adder for New Onshore Wind Plants in EPA Platform v6(62 K)
- Table 4-41 Solar Photovoltaic Regional Potential Capacity (MW) by Resource and Cost Class in EPA Platform v6(37 K)
- Table 4-42 Solar Thermal Regional Potential Capacity (MW) by Resource and Cost Class in EPA Platform v6(20 K)
- Table 4-43 Solar Photovoltaic Generation Profiles in EPA Platform v6(10 MB)
- Table 4-44 Capital Cost Adder for New Solar PV Plants in EPA Platform v6(39 K)
- Table 4-45 Capital Cost Adder for New Solar Thermal Plants in EPA Platform v6(20 K)
- Table 4-46 Solar Photovoltaic Capacity Factor by Resource Class in EPA Platform v6(22 K)
- Table 4-47 Solar Thermal Capacity Factor by Resource Class and Season in EPA Platform v6(17 K)
- Table 4-48 Potential Electric Capacity from New Landfill Gas Units (MW) in EPA Platform v6(20 K)
- Table 4-49 Characteristics of Existing Nuclear Units in EPA Platform v6(111 K)
- Table 4-50 Generating Units from EIA Form 860 Not Included in EPA Platform v6(190 K)
- Table 4-51 Generating Units Not Included Due to Recent Announcements(32 K)
- Attachment 4-1: Nuclear Power Plant Life Extension Cost Development Methodology (PDF)
- Chapter 5: Emission Control Technologies
- Table 5-21: Cost of Building Pipelines to Coal Plants in EPA Platform v6(154 K)
- Attachment 5-1: Wet FGD Cost Methodology (PDF)
- Attachment 5-2: SDA FGD Cost Methodology (PDF)
- Attachment 5-3: SCR Cost Methodology (PDF)
- Attachment 5-4: SNCR Cost Methodology (PDF)
- Attachment 5-5: DSI Cost Methodology (PDF)
- Attachment 5-6: Hg Cost Methodology (PDF)
- Attachment 5-7: PM Cost Methodology (PDF)
- Chapter 6: Carbon Capture, Transport, and Storage
- Chapter 7: Coal
- Chapter 8: Natural Gas
- Chapter 9: Other Fuels and Fuel Emission Factors
- Chapter 10: Financial Assumptions
If you have any questions, please contact CAMD using our online form