EPA and State Users Access to CBS and ECMPS FAQs
- How do I register to use CBS and ECMPS?
- How do I obtain a username and password?
- How do I receive copies of Monitoring Plan, QA or Emissions feedback?
- How do I view data through the ECMPS Client Tool?
How do I register to use CBS and ECMPS?
To access CBS and ECMPS Exit, an EPA or state user must be registered in the CAMD Business System by sending the following information via email to Laurel DeSantis at desantis.laurel@epa.gov or Craig Hillock at hillock.craig@epa.gov:
- First Name, Last Name
- Agency
- Title
- Address (street, city, state, zip)
- Phone Number
- Email Address
How do I obtain a username and password?
Once you have been added to the CAMD Business System you may obtain a username and temporary password by calling one of the following:
- Karen Vansickle: 202-343-9220
- Craig Hillock: 202-343-9105
Usernames and passwords cannot be sent via email and must be given directly to the recipient. Temporary passwords are valid for 30 days.
After receiving a user name and temporary password, you must log into CBS and change your temporary password. You must NOT share your username and password with others. Please note that you must change your CBS password every 90 days. You will receive a reminder email 30 days before your password expires. Your username and password are the same for CBS and ECMPS.
How do I receive copies of Monitoring Plan, QA or Emissions feedback?
To receive copies of monitoring plan/QA and/or emissions feedback, go to the Manage Feedback Recipients module under People on the Main Menu of CBS. Review the Feedback Recipients section of the Help file. The Help file can be accessed from any screen in CBS, including the login screen.
How do I view data through the ECMPS Client Tool?
To view data through the ECMPS Client Tool Exit, you must be a feedback recipient for the plant(s). Review the Feedback Recipients section of the Help file. The Help file can be accessed from any screen in CBS, including the login screen. Please note that currently, if you select monitoring plan/QA and/or emissions because you wish to view the data through the ECMPS Client Tool, you will receive copies of quarterly feedback for those plant(s). CAMD realizes that in many cases, EPA and State users only want to view the data through the ECMPS Client Tool, and they do not want to receive copies of the feedback. CAMD is working to add functionality that will enable EPA and State users to opt out of receiving copies of the quarterly feedback. Once the functionality is in place, EPA and State users will be informed, and this guidance will be modified to include instructions for opting out of receiving copies of quarterly feedback.