Field Audit Checklist Tool (FACT) API
The Field Audit Checklist Tool (FACT) is a Windows desktop application intended to help auditors perform field audits of facilities that report data pursuant to the continuous air monitoring requirements of the Clean Air Act (40 CFR Part 75). FACT allows users to easily view monitoring plan, quality assurance and emissions data. FACT also provides access to data collected under the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS).
FACT uses web services to display data via an Application Programming Interface (API). An API is a set of commands, functions, protocols, and objects that programmers can use to create software or interact with an external system. An API interprets that data and presents you with the information you wanted in a readable way.
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API basics
All FACT API endpoints are GET requests. Here is one example of data you can expect from the /facilities
Get a list of facilities
Returns a list of regulated facilities.
The facilities API endpoint returns a list of all regulated facilities. Each facility in the list includes attributes such as the location, monitoring configurations, associated units, and contacts. Below is an example JSON object that is intended to show the structure of each facility object.
"orisCode": "",
"name": "",
"geographicLocation": {
"isValid": "",
"latitude": "",
"longitude": ""
"monitoringPlans": [],
"region": {
"id": "",
"name": ""
"state": {
"name": "",
"abbrev": ""
"county": {
"name": "",
"code": ""
"owners": [],
"units": [],
"contacts": []
The FACT API conforms to the OpenAPI specificationExit. Explore the FACT API interactively in your browser (without signing up for a key).
API endpoints
Emissions: The emissions API endpoints return the hourly values for the measured parameters, calculated hourly emissions values, and instrument calibration data for a monitoring location described in a facility’s monitoring plan.
Facilities: The facilities API endpoint returns a list of all the regulated facilities. Each facility in the list includes attributes such as the location, monitoring configurations, associated units, and contacts.
MonitoringPlans: The monitoring plan endpoint returns data describing how a facility monitors its emissions. Monitoring plan data define relationships between stacks, pipes, and units. The data also specifies emissions monitoring locations at a facility and identifies the monitoring equipment by detailing individual components. Monitoring plan data also provide operational characteristics and qualifications for certain special types of monitoring. In addition, this endpoint provides quarterly and emissions summaries, unit ownership, and quality assurance certification events and test exemptions.
QATestData: The QATestData endpoints return data describing the tests used to both initially certify and continually ensure that a monitoring system is providing accurate data. For each test the returned data includes summary information (date the test was performed, reason for test, test result, etc.). For some test types, the details of the test will also be returned.