Power Plant Emission Trends
- the Acid Rain Program,
- the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR), and
- the CSAPR Update.
For the first time since decades before the start of the Acid Rain Program (ARP), annual emissions of SO2 and NOX emissions are both under a million tons in 2019. The 2019 annual data show a 23 percent decline in SO2 emissions compared to 2018, a 14 percent decline in NOX emissions, an 8 percent decline in CO2 emissions, and a 13 percent decrease in Hg emissions. Additionally, ozone season NOX emissions dropped by 13% in 2019. During this time period, electric generation from these power plants decreased by 3 percent.
From 1995-2019, annual emissions of SO2 from power plants fell by 92 percent and annual emissions of NOX from power plants fell by 85 percent. In 2019, sources in both the CSAPR SO2 annual program and the ARP together emitted 0.97 million tons, a reduction of 10.8 million tons, or 92 percent, from 1995 levels. In 2019, sources in both the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) NOX annual program and the ARP together emitted 0.88 million tons, a reduction of 5 million tons, or 85 percent, from 1995 levels.
EPA began collecting mercury and air toxics data under the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards in 2015. Additional data reports for all programs can be found in our Facility Level Comparisons. Our Progress Reports provide a more detailed summary of our emissions reductions programs and the environmental benefits. A complete dataset for all programs is available in Air Markets Program Data (AMPD).
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Sulfur Dioxide
Nitrogen Oxides
Carbon Dioxide
year,Sulfur Dioxide,Nitrogen Oxides,Carbon Dioxide 1995,0,0,0 1996,6,3,3 1997,9,3,6 1998,11,2,10 1999,5,-6,11 2000,-5,-13,13 2001,-10,-19,11 2002,-14,-23,12 2003,-10,-29,14 2004,-13,-36,15 2005,-14,-38,18 2006,-21,-42,15 2007,-25,-44,19 2008,-36,-49,17 2009,-51,-65,6 2010,-56,-64,13 2011,-62,-66,9 2012,-72,-71,2 2013,-73,-71,3 2014,-73,-72,3 2015,-81,-76,-3 2016,-87,-79,-8 2017,-89,-82,-11 2018,-89,-83,-11 2019,-92,-85,-18
For the following figures, please select a pollutant:
year,Sulfur Dioxide (million short tons),Gross Generation (billion MWh) 1990,15.73, 1991,, 1992,, 1993,, 1994,, 1995,11.83, 1996,12.51, 1997,12.94,2.23 1998,13.09,2.33 1999,12.45,2.38 2000,11.2,2.48 2001,10.64,2.45 2002,10.2,2.47 2003,10.59,2.52 2004,10.26,2.57 2005,10.22,2.73 2006,9.39,2.71 2007,8.93,2.82 2008,7.62,2.77 2009,5.82,2.63 2010,5.17,2.79 2011,4.55,2.71 2012,3.32,2.69 2013,3.24,2.68 2014,3.16,2.69 2015,2.22,2.65 2016,1.49,2.58 2017,1.34,2.48 2018,1.26,2.6 2019,0.97,2.51
1991-1994 data are not available for Sulfur Dioxide.
Sulfur dioxide emissions have fallen since 1990.
year,Nitrogen Oxides (million short tons),Gross Generation (billion MWh) 1990,6.4, 1991,, 1992,, 1993,, 1994,, 1995,5.84, 1996,6.01, 1997,6.03,2.23 1998,5.97,2.33 1999,5.5,2.38 2000,5.1,2.48 2001,4.71,2.45 2002,4.47,2.47 2003,4.17,2.52 2004,3.76,2.57 2005,3.63,2.73 2006,3.41,2.71 2007,3.28,2.82 2008,3,2.77 2009,2.02,2.63 2010,2.1,2.79 2011,1.98,2.71 2012,1.71,2.69 2013,1.72,2.68 2014,1.66,2.69 2015,1.38,2.65 2016,1.2,2.58 2017,1.07,2.48 2018,1.02,2.6 2019,0.88,2.51
1991-1994 data are not available for Nitrogen Oxides.
Annual nitrogen oxides emissions have fallen since 1990.
year,Nitrogen Oxides (million short tons),Gross Generation (billion MWh) 1990,, 1991,, 1992,, 1993,, 1994,, 1995,, 1996,, 1997,2.57,0.99 1998,2.72,1.09 1999,2.45,1.11 2000,2.2,1.12 2001,2.03,1.11 2002,1.9,1.13 2003,1.6,1.12 2004,1.2,1.07 2005,1.27,1.24 2006,1.18,1.25 2007,1.15,1.29 2008,1.07,1.24 2009,0.82,1.17 2010,0.91,1.29 2011,0.87,1.26 2012,0.77,1.27 2013,0.73,1.21 2014,0.68,1.2 2015,0.62,1.23 2016,0.55,1.24 2017,0.47,1.16 2018,0.44,1.22 2019,0.39,1.17
1990-1996 data are not available for Ozone Season Nitrogen Oxides.
Ozone season nitrogen oxides emissions have fallen since 1997.
year,Carbon Dioxide (billion tons),Gross Generation (billion MWh) 1990,, 1991,, 1992,, 1993,, 1994,, 1995,2.16, 1996,2.23, 1997,2.3,2.23 1998,2.38,2.33 1999,2.39,2.38 2000,2.45,2.48 2001,2.39,2.45 2002,2.42,2.47 2003,2.47,2.52 2004,2.48,2.57 2005,2.54,2.73 2006,2.49,2.71 2007,2.57,2.82 2008,2.52,2.77 2009,2.3,2.63 2010,2.45,2.79 2011,2.35,2.71 2012,2.21,2.69 2013,2.23,2.68 2014,2.23,2.69 2015,2.09,2.65 2016,1.99,2.58 2017,1.92,2.48 2018,1.93,2.6 2019,1.78,2.51
1990-1994 data are not available for Carbon Dioxide.
Carbon dioxide emissions have fallen since 1995.
Hover left to right over the map to see the changes before and after.
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