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Avoided Emissions and Generation Tool AVERT

Download AVERT

AVERT is divided into three components:

Which modules should I download?

Most users will only need to download AVERT’s Main Module and Regional Data Files. The Main Module estimates emissions impacts resulting from energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE) programs in reference to a historical base year without the Statistical Module and Future Year Scenario Template. However, users who want to model emissions impacts with reference to user-created future years will need to download all three AVERT modules.


AVERT’s Main Module

AVERT’s Main Module requires Excel 2007 or newer to run in Windows. The Main Module can also be used in Excel 2011 or newer for Mac. Download the following files to the same folder on a local computer or drive:

Regional Data Files for 2019, the most recent year available (find your region):  

To use AVERT’s Main Module, open the AVERT Main Module.xlsx file. Ensure that macros are enabled:

  • Windows: Navigate to the “Trust Center” in the “Options” menu, then select Trust Center Settings > Macro Settings > Enable all macros.
  • Mac OS: Select “Enable macros” in the dialog box that appears when opening the file.

You can choose your region of analysis on the main screen and upload the relevant regional data file to the tool. Refer to the AVERT User Manual and Quick Start Guide for step-by-step instructions on using the Main Module.

Do you want other baseline years for the Main Module?

The regional data files above are for the most recent data year of data (2019). For most purposes, users will want the most recent data year. If another year is desired, packages of all 14 regional data files for additional years can be downloaded at the links below. Download the file and save it in a folder with or near the Main Module.

Previous versions of the Main Module and regional data files

AVERT 2.3 is a deprecated version of AVERT with 10 regions and fewer features. EPA is no longer supporting data updates, enhancements, or bugfixes to this version of AVERT. However, for users who want to use this previous version of AVERT to analyze earlier years of data, the Main Module is available for download below.

Regional data files for the baseline years 2007 to 2018 are available for download below. These packages contain regional data files compatible with AVERT 2.3.

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AVERT’s Statistical Module

It is recommended that computers operating AVERT’s Statistical Module have at least 2 GB of memory available. Processing time for individual regions depends on the number of units in the analysis and the number of processors available. Refer to the AVERT User Manual for step-by-step instructions on using the Statistical Module.

Step 1: Determine Windows operating environment

Determine if your Windows system operates in a 32-bit or 64-bit environment. Generally, this information is displayed in the “properties” of “My Computer” in Windows XP; or “Computer” in Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8; or "My PC" in Windows 10. Click hereExit to determine your Windows environment. The latest version of the Statistical Module is only available for 64-bit computers.

Step 2: Download AVERT’s Statistical Module and MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR)

Step 3: Install MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR)

To use AVERT’s Statistical Module, the correct version of the free MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) software needs to be installed. Run the “MCR _R2012b_…installer.exe” file that was downloaded in Step 2. Installing this software may require administrator rights. If you do not have rights as an administrator or have any questions, contact your IT specialist for assistance.

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AVERT’s Future Year Scenario Template

The “AVERT Future Year Scenario Template ” spreadsheet is downloaded as part of the Statistical Module package. This Excel file is stored in one of the subfolders of the Statistical Module package called “AVERT Future Year Scenarios.” To access and use the Future Year Scenario Template, download the Statistical Module package, following the instructions above. Refer to the AVERT User Manual for instructions on using the Future Year Scenario Template.
For each user-defined scenario, the user is strongly recommended to save this file (in the same subfolder) using the following naming convention:

“AVERT Future Year Scenario Template <Scenario X>” where “Scenario X” is a user-defined name.

Please note that each historical baseline year has a unique future year scenario template. Users should use the future year scenario template associated with the historical baseline year of interest.

Do you want other baseline years for the Statistical Module?

The AVERT Statistical Module package contains, by default, the most recent data year of data and the associated Future Year Scenario Template. For most purposes, users will want the most recent data year. If another year is desired, additional AVERT-compatible databases from EPA Clean Air Markets Division’s (CAMD’s) Air Market Program Data (AMPD) are available, as are Future Year Scenario Templates. For each desired year, download the compressed file. Each compressed file contains a large database and a Future Year Scenario Template. Please move the database (named “AVERT_CAMDArray_<Year>”) and save it in the subfolder “CAMD Input Files,” which is one of the subfolders included in the AVERT Statistical Module package. Please move the Excel sheet called “AVERT Future Year Scenario Template <Year>” to the subfolder “AVERT Future Year Scenarios.”

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