EPA regulates pesticides that can be used against bed bugs. Our jurisdiction does not include the kind of reporting and management regulations that states have. The Department of Housing and Urban Development has guidance related to controlling bed bugs in public housing.
- Regulation of Bed Bug Pesticides
- Public Housing Environmental and Conservation Clearinghouse: Integrated Pest Management
- Staying Legal and Safe in Treating for Bed Bugs
There are 21 states that have some level of law or regulation that applies to bed bugs. Some of these requirements have been on the books for many years. Nine states have enacted laws or regulations since 2005. Requirements focus on hotels and landlords or other property managers for the most part.
Be sure to check with your state and local authorities for any changes in these requirements or to find out if your state or city has enacted a requirement more recently. Chicago is an example of a local government that has regulations related to bed bugs. See Chicago's bed bug information. Exit
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State Bed Bug Laws and Regulations.pdf (PDF)(2 pp, 213 K,
September 2019)
State bed bug laws and regulations as of September 2019