The information in this manual is intended for use by municipal wastewater treatment and sewage sludge management authorities, project planners and designers, regional, state, and local governments concerned with permitting and enforcement of federal sewage sludge regulations, and consultants in relevant disciplines such as engineering, soil science, and agronomy. The manual is intended to provide general guidance and basic information on the planning, design, and operation of sewage sludge land application projects for one or more of the following design practices:
- Agricultural land application (crop production, improvement of pasture and rangeland).
- Forest land application (increased tree growth).
- Land application at reclamation sites (mine spoils, construction sites, gravel pits).
- Land application at public contact sites (such as parks and golf courses), lawns, and home gardens.
- Process Design Manual: Land Application of Sewage Sludge and Domestic Septage (PDF)(301 pp, 5 MB, September 1995, EPA 625-R-95-001)