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Board of Scientific Counselors (BOSC)

Sustainable and Healthy Communities Subcommittee

EPA’s Sustainable and Healthy Communities (SHC) Research program, one of six national research programs within EPA’s Office of Research and Development, provides technical solutions, tools, information, and other resources in three topic areas critical to fulfilling the Agency’s mission to protect the environment and safeguard public health:

  1. Contaminated Sites
  2. Waste and Materials Management
  3. Healthy and Resilient Communities

SHC is guided by a Strategic Action Research Plan jointly designed with EPA program and regional office partners and external stakeholders to advance the Agency’s mission to protect human health and the environmental and fulfill its goal of applying research and scientific analysis to inform policy making.

Subcommittee Members


Courtney Flint, PhD
Utah State University

Vice Chair

Matthew Naud, MPP, MS
Senior Consultant LLC


Kimberly Gray, PhD
Roxelyn & Richard Pepper Family Chair & Professor
Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Northwestern University

James Kelly, MS
Health Program Manager
Environmental Surveillance and Assessment, Minnesota Department of Health

Jonathan Meiman, MD
Chief Medical Officer and State Epidemiologist
Wisconsin Division of Public Health

Barrett Ristroph
Ristroph Law, Planning, and Research

Derek Shendell, D. Env, MPH
Associate Professor and Director of the NJ Safe Schools Program
Rutgers School of Public Health, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health and Justice

Jay Golden, PhD
Wichita State University

Elena Irwin, PhD
Professor, Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics
Ohio State University

Rainer Lohmann, PhD
Professor of Oceanography
The University of Rhode Island

Donald Nelson, PhD
Associate Professor
University of Georgia

Leslie Rubin, MD
Developmental Pediatric Specialist
Morehouse School of Medicine

Michael Steinhoff, MPA, MSES
Program Director
ICLEI, Local Governments for Sustainability-USA

Designated Federal Official (DFO)

Tom Tracy (
Office of Science Advisor, Policy and Engagement
Office of Research and Development

Board of Scientific Counselors (BOSC)