Brownfields and Land Revitalization in Region 3
The EPA Brownfileds Program in Region 3 provides grants and technical assitance to communities and states in Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia. Brownfields grants and technical assistance can be used to assess, safely clean up and sustainably reuse contaminated properties. Land Revitalization Programs in Region 3 assist communities, local governments, property owners and developers in restoring land and other natural resources into sustainable community assets.
Please visit the national Brownfields Program and Land Revitalization web sites for more information about brownfields, competitive grants and national program benefits.
- Technical Assistance to Brownfields Communities
- Targeted Brownfields Assessments (TBAs)
- Materials for Brownfields Grants
- Stories from Around the Region
- Highlights from Region 3
- State Cleanup Programs within Region 3
- Region 3 State & Tribal Response Programs Agreement
Technical Assistance to Brownfields
EPA's Technical Assistance to Brownfields Communities (TAB) program provides free technical assistance to communities to increase their understanding and involvement in brownfields cleanup, revitalization and reuse. The TAB program is funded by EPA and available to all stakeholders. The New Jersey Institute of Technolgy (NJIT) offers free technical assistance for region 3 and training program services to EPA Brownfields grantees and to those seeking brownfield grants in Region 3.
Targeted Brownfields Assessments (TBAs)
EPA provides environmental assessment services free of charge to communities through the Targeted Brownfields Assessment (TBA) program. Services typically include Phase I and II assessments and cleanup planning. To request a TBA, please read how to apply below.
- Eligibility
- How to Apply
- Targeted Brownfields Assessments Map
- Targeted Brownfields Assessments Examples/Success Stories
Materials for Brownfields Grants
Application Resources
After the application package has been reviewed and found eligible, reporting requirements must be adhered to through the life of the grant. Please see Grantee Reporting Requirements: Forms and Templates.
EPA solicits proposals for Brownfields assessment, cleanup and revolving loan fund grants annually, generally in the fall. Please refer to the Proposal Guidelines for how to apply. EPA Region 3 has prepared additional materials to assist you in applying for a Brownfields grant.
- *ABCA Example for Cleanup Grant Proposals
*Note: To be consulted in conjunction with FAQs and ABCA Checklist below - CHECKLIST: How to Address Changing Climate Concerns in an Analysis of Brownfields Cleanup Alternatives (ABCA)
- EPA Region 3 State Contacts for EPA’s Brownfields Grant Proposals
- TAB EZ EXITis an independent grant writing tool sponsored by the Kansas State University to be used for preparation of EPA Brownfields grant proposals. Currently, TAB EZ only addresses assessment and cleanup grants; RLF grant proposal outlines may be added at a later date. While EPA is not endorsing this tool, we want to make sure that communities know about its availability.
Grant Recipient Materials
After the application package has been reviewed and found eligible, reporting requirements must be adhered to through the life of the grant. Please see Grantee Reporting Requirements: Forms and Templates.
Workplan Templates (MS Word Documents)
- Workplan for Brownfields Assessment Grants(6 pp, 92 K)
- Workplan for Brownfields Cleanup Grants (6 pp, 92 K)
- Workplan for Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund Grants (5 pp, 63 K)
Stories from Around the Region
- Mid Atlantic Region
- Land Revitalization Success Stories
- Targeted Brownfields Assessment Success Stories
In 2015, the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development subgranted $600,000 of EPA Revolving Loan Funds to the University of Pennsylvania, which leveraged an additional $37.5 million from the University to clean up 23 acres of contaminated land at the former DuPont research and development site. Today, the site hosts the LEED Gold certified Pennovation Center. Cutting edge labs, creative common spaces, and inventor garages bring students and the private sector together, opening the gateway for community revitalization in the Innovation District.
Highlights from Region 3
Region 3's Greener Cleanup & Sustainable Reuse Policy
The Land Reuse Assessment Reports outline the history and current status of remediated properties in Region 3. These reports reveal that former hazardous waste sites, abandoned factories, and landfills are being redeveloped into new businesses, townhomes, ball fields and wildlife refuges. These efforts save valuable green space, boosted local economies, and revitalized blighted communities. Read the Region 3 Land Reuse Assessment Reports for more information.
State Cleanup Programs within Region 3
The following links exit the site Exit
- Pennsylvania (PA) Cleanup Programs
- Maryland (MD) Cleanup Programs
- Delaware (DE) Cleanup Programs
- District of Columbia (DC) Cleanup Programs
- West Virginia (WV) Cleanup Programs
- Virginia (VA) Cleanup Programs