CAA Permitting in the District of Columbia
Clean Air Act permitting in the District of Columbia is the shared responsibility of the District Department of the Environment and EPA Region 3. EPA Region 3 is the permitting authority for the PSD (Prevention of Significant Deterioration) program in the District of Columbia. For more information about responsible agencies see below.
Responsible Area
Agency Office
Ms. Cecily Beall, Associate Director
Air Quality Division
District Department of the Environment Exit
1200 1st NE, 5th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20002
phone: 202-535-2290
fax: 202-535-1371
District of Columbia Air Permitting Information and Contacts
PSD Permitting Actions in the District of Columbia
Air Quality Division Contact InformationExit
Apply for an Air Pollutant Permit Exit
General and Nonattainment Area PermitsExit