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Public Notice: Draft Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality Permit Revisions: Caithness Long Island, LLC

Publish Date: 06/01/2020


The United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region 2 (EPA) is seeking public comment on a draft Clean Air Act (CAA) Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality (PSD) air permit revisions for Caithness Long Island Energy Center, LLC (CLIEC). The permit revisions would lower the sulfur content of distillate fuel permitted to be combusted in the CLIEC’s combined cycle combustion turbines, auxiliary boiler, and emergency fire pump to 0.0015 percent by weight to make it consistent with the more stringent requirements of a NY state regulation that became effective after the issuance of the CLIEC’s 2006 PSD permit.

This proceeding is subject to the applicable administrative procedures of 40 C.F.R. part 124.

For additional background information on the PSD permit revisions, please see "Public Notice" under "Related Documents".

Applicant or Respondent

Caithness Long Island Energy Center, LLC
565 Fifth Avenue 29th Floor
New York, NY 10017

Permit #: NY0020508