Documents related to the Gasoline Dispensing Facility Permit by Rule Authorization for the Choctaw Nation Travel Plaza East located at 4305 Choctaw Road Durant, OK 74701
You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.- Choctaw Nation Oklahoma Durant Event Center and Casino Expansion ESA/NHPA analysis clearance (PDF)(26 pp, 1 MB, May 17, 2019)
- No Issues Confirmation- USFWS Oklahoma (PDF)(1 pg, 67 K, June 10, 2019)
EPA written confirmation of review of ESA and NHPA analyses (PDF)(2 pp, 173 K,
June 19, 2019)
This letter conveys EPA's acknowledgement that the ESA/NHPA analysis performed by the applicant has been completed and that the applicant is now free to proceed to submit a Notice of Coverage for the use of the Permit By Rule.
Choctaw Nation Travel Plaza East Durant Ok GDF PBR NOC (PDF)(14 pp, 603 K,
June 20, 2019)
This is the Notification of Coverage to authorize a Gasoline Dispensing Facility using a Federal Permit by Rule (40 CFR §64.164)