Synthetic Minor Tribal Air Permit for Pender Municipal Power Plant
Draft Synthetic Minor Tribal Air Operating Permit
Pender Municipal Power Plant
This page contains the draft operating permit, Statement of Basis, public notice and supporting documentation for the draft synthetic minor tribal air permit for the Pender Municipal Power Plant in Pender, Nebraska. The plant, located at 205 North 3rd St. (NE Corner of Ivan St. & N 3rd St.), is within the exterior boundaries of the Omaha Indian Reservation. The public comment period for this draft permit runs from August 30 through September 30, 2018.
The facility is a municipal power plant owned and operated by the Village of Pender. The Village has a capacity lease agreement with Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska (MEAN). If finalized, the EPA’s issuance of this permit would regulate air pollutant emissions associated with four existing compression ignition (CI) engine-generators: three (3) dual-fuel and one (1) diesel-only, with a combined capacity of 7,120 horsepower. The draft permit has been developed pursuant to 40 CFR 49.158 which creates an air permitting mechanism for major sources that wish to voluntarily limit emissions to become a synthetic minor source. The draft permit includes emission limits that reduce the facility’s potential emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) to less than major source thresholds. The draft permit includes monitoring, recordkeeping and reporting requirements necessary to assure compliance with the emission limits.
The EPA will consider and respond to all comments received by the end of the comment period in making the final decision regarding the issuing of the permit. Similar comments may be grouped together in the response, and the EPA will not respond to individual commenters directly. If EPA determines that there is a significant amount of public interest in the draft permit, the EPA will hold a public hearing. Any request for a public hearing must be in writing by mail or e-mail and must state the nature of the issues proposed to be raised in the hearing. The request must be received by the end of the 30-day comment period. If a public hearing is held, the public comment period will automatically be extended to the close of the public hearing.
You may review copies of the draft permit and supporting documents below or at the following locations:
Available Documents | EPA Regional Office |
EPA Region 7 |
Any interested individual may submit written comments on EPA’s draft permit for the Pender Municipal Power Plant. Comments must specify any reasonable ascertainable issue with supporting arguments in writing by mail or e-mail to:
Bob Webber - Tribal NSR Coordinator
Air Permitting & Compliance Branch
Air and Waste Management Division
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 7
11201 Renner Boulevard
Lenexa, KS 66219
Phone: 913-551-7251
Final Synthetic Minor Tribal Air Operating Permit
The final synthetic minor tribal air operating permit for Pender Municipal Power Plant was issued on October 18, 2018. Since no public comments were received, the effective date of the permit is also October 18, 2018.
To see the final permit and associated support documents, please see permit docket EPA-R07-OAR-2018-0639 on
If you have any questions, please contact:
Bob Webber - Tribal NSR Coordinator
Air Permitting & Compliance Branch
Air and Waste Management Division
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 7
11201 Renner Boulevard
Lenexa, KS 66219
Phone: 913-551-7251