Agenda, minutes, and presentations from the April 19, 2012 meeting in Washington, DC.
Presentations for FedEx Air Ops Sustainability and Fleet Efficiency by Allison Bird, Fed Ex, and Operational Strategies to Improve Fuel Efficiency (Trucking) by Dave Berry, Swift Transportation, are not available. Summaries of both presentations are included in the MSTRS meeting summary below.
You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.- Meeting Agenda, April 19, 2012 (PDF)(1 pg, 16 K, April 2012)
- Meeting Summary on April 19, 2012 (PDF)(14 pp, 57 K)
- SmartWay Legacy Fleet Work Group Meeting (PDF)(4 pp, 66 K, April 2012)
- Improving Vessel and Supply Chain Fuel Efficiency (PDF)(20 pp, 1 MB, April 2012)
- Operational Strategies to Improve Fuel Efficiency: Rail Strategies (PDF)(10 pp, 523 K, April 2012)
- MOVES Update (PDF)(27 pp, 251 K, April 2012)
- Outreach for the New Fuel Economy and Environment Label (PDF)(8 pp, 401 K, April 2012)
- DOE’s (Department of Energy) Fuel Economy Outreach (PDF)(16 pp, 2 MB, April 2012)
- Selling Fuel Economy: Tools and Limitations (PDF)(16 pp, 188 K, April 2012)
- Next Steps on Vehicle Labeling (PDF)(10 pp, 1 MB, April 2012)