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Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Partnership

CHP Energy and Emissions Savings Calculator

The Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Energy and Emissions Savings Calculator (XLSM) (1 pg, 6 MB) is a Microsoft Excel-based tool that calculates and compares the estimated fuel consumption and air pollutant emissions (CO2e, SO2 and NOX) of a CHP system and comparable separate heat and power system (SHP) (e.g., grid power and a boiler system). The calculator also presents the carbon emissions reductions from a CHP system in terms of the emissions associated with passenger vehicles and the generation of electricity used by the average U.S. home.

The calculator uses fuel-specific emissions factors developed by EPA, and grid emissions factors and region-specific transmission and distribution (T&D) loss data from the Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID).

The calculator is designed for users with at least a moderate understanding of CHP technology and its terminology. To learn more about CHP technologies, please visit the Catalog of CHP Technologies.

Please refer to the “Getting Started” Worksheet and the User Manual for detailed instructions and information for using the calculator. If you need help when using the calculator, please contact the EPA CHP team at (703) 373-8108 or email

CHP Calculator Screenshot

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