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Community Multiscale Air Quality Modeling System (CMAQ)

CMAQ Resources/Utilities for Model Users

Listed below are different resources and links to help new users get started with the CMAQ system as well as information for more experienced users who are ready to run CMAQ or analyze CMAQ output.

CMAQ Support Through the CMAS Center 

CMAQ support is available from the Community Modeling and Analysis System (CMAS) website.Exit EPA instituted CMAS in 2001 as an approach for supporting community-based air quality modeling. A primary focus of CMAS is to instill a sense of community among the users of environmental models by promoting cooperation within and between the different groups in the environmental modeling community. It is operated under contract by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Institute for the Environment.

Activities Available Through the CMAS Center 

  • Online help desk - get help with CMAQ and other supported CMAS products
  • Online user forum - sign up and post your questions to web-based CMAS Forum; search the forum posts for questions similar to yours
  • Software clearinghouse - download other software products designed to help with CMAQ evaluation and visualization
  • Training courses - attend a training course on the CMAQ system
  • Conferences - attend the annual CMAS conference to interact with the community
  • Development assistance - add new science to the CMAQ system

Online Resources for Users

Many software programs are available for pre- and post-processing, evaluating and visualizing CMAQ output.

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Software Programs for Preparing CMAQ Inputs

Software Programs for Evaluating and Visualizing CMAQ Outputs

Chapter 8 of the CMAQ User's Guide provides information on many tools freely available for visualizing, analyzing and evaluating CMAQ.  Below is a list of some of the tools supported by the EPA and CMAS.