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Coalbed Methane Outreach Program

Coalbed Methane Outreach Program Accomplishments

The Coalbed Methane Outreach Program (CMOP) strives to reduce methane emissions from coal mining activities. Coal mine methane (CMM) is a potent greenhouse gas (GHG) and can be an explosive hazard inside mines. But if CMM is recovered safely and used for energy, it is a valuable, clean-burning fuel source. CMOP collaborates with coal companies and related industries to lower emissions through the development of environmentally beneficial, cost-effective CMM recovery and utilization projects.

The program primarily focuses on mitigating U.S. emissions from underground coal mines, both from degasification systems and from mine ventilation systems, as well as from abandoned (closed) underground mines and active surface mines. CMOP provides high-quality, mine-specific information and technical assistance to the coal mining industry and project developers, including identifying project sites, analyzing and demonstrating technologies, conducting mine-specific project pre-feasibility assessments and market evaluations, and analyzing financial incentives and regulatory hurdles.

Achievements in 2018:

  • Reduced CMM emissions by more than 8 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MMTCO2e) in 2018 (see figure below). Since the program began in 1994, cumulative reductions are approximately 200 MMTCO2e.
  • Developed new technical reports and outreach materials for coal companies, project developers, and industry stakeholders.
  • Continued to proactively engage U.S. coal mines and industry representatives to stimulate further domestic CMM project development.

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