Wood Heater Compliance Monitoring Program
Residential wood heaters, which include wood and pellet stoves, hydronic heaters and forced-air furnaces, can contribute significantly to particulate air pollution which may pose serious health concerns. In 2015, EPA strengthened the clean air standards for residential wood heaters to make heaters significantly cleaner and improve air quality in communities where people burn wood for heat.
Residential wood heaters must comply with the applicable emission standards and other requirements of the 2015 Rule in order to be EPA-certified. Manufacturers must participate in a certification program and have their wood heaters undergo certification testing at an EPA accredited laboratory to verify their heaters meet the required emission standards. Thereafter, manufacturers may obtain an EPA Certificate of Compliance for each of their wood heaters to enable the manufacturer to manufacture, offer for sale, advertise, or import a wood heater into the United States.
To help consumers buy EPA-certified wood heaters, check out the EPA Certified Wood Heater Database.
EPA Contact
Rafael Sanchez (sanchez.rafael@epa.gov) or (202) 564-7028