E-Enterprise Regional Coordinators
The E-Enterprise Regional Coordinators (EERC) collectively form a communication network that connects the E-Enterprise Leadership Council to EPA regional senior leaders and program staff - and to E-Enterprise state and tribal partners. In essence, the ten E-Enterprise Regional Coordinators are “dot connectors” supporting EPA shared governance and E-Enterprise projects by coordinating across EPA with each other, tribal program managers, National Environmental Performance Partnership System coordinators, and Exchange Network Coordinators, as well as with state and tribal officials.
Region 1 | Sheryl Rosner | Rosner.sheryl@epa.gov | (617) 918-1865 |
Region 2 | Barry Kaye | kaye.barry@epa.gov | (212) 637-3323 |
Region 3 | Priscilla Wood | wood.priscilla@epa.gov | (215) 814-5181 |
Region 4 | James Davies | Davies.James@epa.gov | (404) 562-8232 |
Region 5 | Allen Melcer (Co-Chair) | Melcer.allen@epa.gov | (312) 886-1498 |
Region 6 | Olivia Balandran | Balandran.olivia@epa.gov | (214) 665-7257 |
Region 7 | Whitney Rawls | rawls.whitney@epa.gov | (913) 551-7678 |
Region 8 | Anthony Deloach (Co-Chair) | Deloach.anthony@epa.gov | (303) 312-6070 |
Region 9 | Nicole Moutoux | Moutoux.nicole@epa.gov | (415) 972-3012 |
Region 10 | Margo Young | Young.margo@epa.gov | (206) 553-1287 |
OEE/HQ | Lisa Comer | Comer.lisa@epa.gov | (202) 566-2206 |