Selected Analytical Methods for Environmental Remediation and Recovery (SAM) is updated periodically to incorporate revisions to the list of target analytes and environmental sample types, and to provide the most recent analytical methods and procedures. The table below provides information regarding the additional changes that were incorporated into each revision of SAM, since publication of SAM Revision 1.0 in September 2004.
SAM Revisions Tracking Table
SAM Revision
Publication Date
Changes incorporated summary
Revision 1.0
September 2004
Standardized Analytical Methods for Use During Homeland Security Events (SAM) 1.0
Included chemical and biological contaminants
Revision 2.0
September 2005
- Added radiochemicals
- Added several persistent chemical warfare agent (CWA) degradation products
- Added separate drinking water sample type for chemicals and radiochemicals
- Added viability determination methods for pathogens
- Added separate section for biotoxins
Revision 3.0
February 2007
- Added explosive chemicals
- Combined identification and viability methods for pathogens
- Added drinking water sample type for pathogens
- Title changed to: Standardized Analytical Methods for Environmental Restoration Following Homeland Security Events (SAM) 3.0
Revision 3.1
November 2007
Developed a SAM website, to provide the SAM document and a format for searching and linking to SAM methods by analyte and sample type.
See Selected Analytical Methods for Environmental Remediation and Recovery (SAM)
Revision 4.0
September 2008
- Added wipe samples for chemistry analytes
- Added PCR methods for pathogens
Revision 5.0
September 2009
Added separate drinking water sample type to biotoxins
2010 (Revision 6.0)
October 2010
- Removed non-aqueous liquid sample type from chemistry
- Temporary removal of pathogens
2012 (Revision 7.0)
July 2012
- Changed title to: Selected Analytical Methods for Environmental Remediation and Recovery (SAM) 2012
- Added vegetation sample type, newly available rapid methods, and total activity screening procedure for radiochemistry analytes
- Re-introduced pathogen methods with restructuring to clarify method applications for site characterization and post remediation
- Assigned applicability tiers to chemistry methods
2017 (Revision 8.0) EPA/600/R-17/356
October 2017
- Added outdoor building and infrastructure material sample types for radiochemistry analytes
- Added soil sample type for pathogens
- Assigned applicability tiers to pathogen and biotoxin methods
- Added analytes to chemistry, radiochemistry, pathogen and biotoxin sections
- Added considerations regarding the potential impacts of decontamination agents on the analytical performance of selected radiochemical methods
- Changed the names of “aqueous liquid” (chemistry methods sample type) and “liquid water” (biotoxin methods sample type) to “non-drinking water” to clarify that the sample type applies to all non-drinking water aqueous sample matrices
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