This extensive technical report presents phase I (1993-1996) findings on threats to the Everglades including mercury contamination, eutrophication, habitat alteration, and hydropattern modification.
South Florida Ecosystem Assessment: Final Technical Report - Phase I
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- Title Page & Executive Summary (PDF)(5 pp, 179 K)
- Table of Contents (PDF)(23 pp, 74 K)
- 1.0: Introduction (PDF)(11 pp, 98 K)
- 2.0: Study Design (PDF)(19 pp, 326 K)
- 3.0: Materials and Methods (PDF)(20 pp, 98 K)
- 4.0: General Characteristics of the Water Regime (PDF)(38 pp, 1 MB)
- 5.0: Habitat (PDF)(15 pp, 485 K)
- 6.0: Soils (PDF)(18 pp, 1 MB)
- 7.0: Nutrient Conditions (PDF)(38 pp, 2 MB)
- 8.0: Mercury (PDF)(71 pp, 3 MB)
- 9.0: Mercury Mass Estimates (PDF)(6 pp, 157 K)
- 10.0: Synthesis and Integration (PDF)(16 pp, 339 K)
- 11.0: Management Implications (PDF)(9 pp, 32 K)
- 12.0: Future Direction (PDF)(20 pp, 155 K)
- 13.0: References (PDF)(11 pp, 35 K)
- Appendix A: Sampling Apparatus (PDF)(8 pp, 371 K)
- Appendix B: Data Quality Objectives (PDF)(29 pp, 426 K)
- Appendix C: Summary of Data Review Findings (PDF)(16 pp, 51 K)
- Appendix D: Eastern Mosquitofish Studies (PDF)(33 pp, 793 K)
- Appendix E: Response to Peer Review Comments (PDF)(72 pp, 189 K)