Download Hazardous Air Pollutant Exposure Model (HAPEM)
1. General Information
Three versions of HAPEM are available for download from this page. The latest version is HAPEM7. General information about and documentation on HAPEM is available from the HAPEM page. Information about the currently available versions of HAPEM is provided in the model update fact sheet. For information on new files, models, etc., check "Recent Additions."
2. Installation Instructions
- Download any documentation files of interest from the HAPEM page.
- Download HAPEM from Section 3 (Software Available for Download) below.
- Follow the installation instructions in the appropriate HAPEM README file from Section 3 (Software Available for Download) below.
- Users may run any version of HAPEM in “stand alone” mode. Additionally, HAPEM5 may be run within the TRIM MIMS framework. To take advantage of the features associated with running HAPEM5 as a TRIM “project,” use the TRIM installation program to install required components. Note that as part of the installation, you will be asked to specify the directory on your computer into which you have installed HAPEM. The TRIM.Risk User’s Guide, Volume I describes how to run TRIM projects. Volume II describes the use of HAPEM with TRIM.Risk.
3. Software available for download
Please read installation instructions (above) before installing files.
(txt file)
- HAPEM5(67 MB)
(exe file) (07/21/2005)
- HAPEM6 README File(1 pg, 3 K)
(txt file)
- HAPEM6(77 MB)
(exe file) (01/11/2007)
(txt file)
- HAPEM7(34 MB)
(exe file) (01/20/2016)
4. Input Data
Please read installation instructions (above) before installing files.
- HAPEM Input Files are included with the HAPEM installation package.
Remember to unzip the input files ( into the Hapem5 directory.
- For users planning on running HAPEM5 within the TRIM modeling framework, the following zip files (containing MySQL databases) must also be downloaded to your computer and unzipped into the "MySQL Server 4.x\data" subdirectory of the MySQL directory (e.g., C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\data).
- HAPEM5 Census Tract Database(88 K) (zip file) (11/16/2005)
- Human Toxicity Value Database, available on the TRIM.Risk Download page
5. Example Applications
These example applications are for training purposes only and are not intended to apply to any real world situation.
"HAPEM (1 chem)" - This package provides instructions for setting up and running an example application where HAPEM calculates inhalation exposure estimates for a single chemical.
Step 1. - If TRIM has not been previously installed, install it using the TRIM Installer. Be sure to select "Inhalation Exposure Assessment with HAPEM" when prompted to "Please select the activities you expect to perform with TRIM."
Step 2. - Download HAPEM and accompanying input files from Section #3 (Software Available for Download) above.
Step 3. - Confirm that the Human Toxicity Value Database is currently installed on your computer. To do this, go to the "MySQL Server 4.x\data" subdirectory of the MySQL directory on your computer (e.g., C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\data) and check to see if the "HHToxDB" directory exists. If so, the Human Toxicity Value Database is installed. If you have not previously installed this database, download it from the TRIM.Risk Download page and follow the instructions for installing it.
Step 4. - Confirm that the HAPEM Census Tract Database is currently installed on your computer. To do this, go to the "MySQL Server 4.x\data" subdirectory of the MySQL directory on your computer (e.g., C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\data) and check to see if the "hapem_countyinfo_2000" directory exists. If so, the HAPEM Census Tract Database is installed. If you have not previously installed this database, download it from Section #4 (Input Data) above and follow the instructions for installing it.
Step 5. - Download "HAPEM (1 chem)" example application instructions. Print this file and follow the directions.
"HAPEM (>1 chem)" - This package provides instructions for setting up and running an example application where HAPEM calculates inhalation exposure estimates for multiple chemicals.
Step 1. - If TRIM has not been previously installed, install it using the TRIM Installer. Be sure to select "Inhalation Exposure Assessment with HAPEM" when prompted to "Please select the activities you expect to perform with TRIM."
Step 2. - Download HAPEM and accompanying input files from Section #3 (Software Available for Download) above.
Step 3. - Download the ZIP package HAPEM (>1 chem) Example Application(23 MB) .
Step 4. - Unzip into the "input" subdirectory of your HAPEM directory (e.g., C:\HAPEM\input). Be sure to maintain the directory structure of the files being unzipped. This is done by default with WinZip's Wizard interface, and is done by checking the "Use folder names" box in the Extract screen of WinZip's Classic interface.
This ZIP file contains the following five files: con43218.txt
Step 5. - Confirm that the Human Toxicity Value Database is currently installed on your computer. To do this, go to the "MySQL Server 4.x\data" subdirectory of the MySQL directory on your computer (e.g., C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\data) and check to see if the "HHToxDB" directory exists. If so, the Human Toxicity Value Database is installed. If you have not previously installed this database, download it from the TRIM.Risk Download page and follow the instructions for installing it.
Step 6. - Confirm that the HAPEM Census Tract Database is currently installed on your computer. To do this, go to the "MySQL Server 4.x\data" subdirectory of the MySQL directory on your computer (e.g., C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\data) and check to see if the "hapem_countyinfo_2000" directory exists. If so, the HAPEM Census Tract Database is installed. If you have not previously installed this database, download it from Section #4 above and follow the instructions for installing it.
Step 7. - Print the StepsForHAPEM_Multi_ExampleApp.pdf (unzipped in Step 4) and follow its steps.