Pesticide Information Resources
Before submitting a FOIA request, you may wish to check out the many resources for pesticide scientific and regulatory information that are available to the public online and free of charge.
Science Reviews or Data Evaluation Records (DERs)
- OPP evaluates scientific data submitted by pesticide registrants in support of pesticide registration to assess potential human health and environmental effects. These data are conducted with active ingredients, inert ingredients, and product formulations in accordance with EPA guidelines, and generally fall under the subject areas of toxicology, environmental fate and groundwater, ecological effects, residue chemistry, product chemistry, and efficacy.
- Many of these reviews previously released under FOIA are available in the Chemical Search database.
- Search for a pesticide ingredient.
- View the "science review" tab on the results page.
- Many of these reviews previously released under FOIA are available in the Chemical Search database.
- Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS). Prepared and maintained by EPA, IRIS is an electronic database containing information on human health effects that may result from exposure to various chemicals.
- Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. ATSDR (part of the Department of Human Health and Services) publishes fact sheets and other information on pesticides and toxic substances.
- Pesticide Ecotoxicity Database Exit contains ecotoxicity endpoints for registered pesticides compiled from actual studies reviewed by EPA in conjunction with pesticide registration or reregistration, and from studies performed by USEPA, USDA and USFWS laboratories.
- The ECOTOXicology database (ECOTOX) is a source for locating single chemical toxicity data for aquatic life, terrestrial plants and wildlife. ECOTOX was created and is maintained by EPA's Office of Research and Development (ORD) and Center for Public Health and Environmental Assessment (CPHEA).
Rulemaking Information and Other Pesticide Dockets
- provides the public with access to pesticide-related rulemaking and non-rulemaking activities such as registration, reregistration, registration review, emergency exemptions, experiment use permits, tolerance petitions, Special Reviews, special dockets, and meeting notices. For quick reference lists, see Opportunities to Participate in Pesticide Reevaluation.
- Pesticide Chemical Search includes links to dockets on individual pesticides.
Inert Ingredients
- Inert Ingredient Web page contains the latest program updates as well as tolerance reassessment reviews, regulatory lists and resources.
Registration Information
- Pesticide Chemical Search includes information on regulatory status and related documents for individual pesticides.
- National Pesticide Information Retrieval SystemExit contains searchable registered and cancelled product information, company, and active ingredient information.
- National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) Exit. NPIC provides objective, science-based information about a variety of pesticide-related subjects, including pesticide products, recognition and management of pesticide poisonings, toxicology, and environmental chemistry. NPIC also lists and provides links to state pesticide regulatory agencies.
- Pesticide Product Label System (PPLS) is a collection of images of pesticide labels that have been approved by OPP under Section 3 of FIFRA.
- Pesticide Product Information System (PPIS) contains information concerning all pesticide products registered in the United States. The files are in ascii format and may be downloaded.
Analytical Methods
- Residue Analytical Methods for food, feed, and animal commodities identify and quantify the pesticide residue of interest, determining the total toxic residue of the pesticide regulated by the tolerance (maximum legal residue level), including significant metabolites and degradates (break-down products).
- Environmental Chemistry Methods for soil and water are used to determine the fate of pesticides in the environment. The methods identify and quantify the pesticide residue of interest, determining the total concentration of pesticides, including the extractable parent compound and significant metabolites and degradates (break-down products).
Biopesticide Active Ingredients
- Biopesticides are certain types of pesticides derived from such natural materials as animals, plants, bacteria, and certain minerals. This collection contains chemical specific information such as fact sheets, detailed technical documents, bibliographies, regulatory histories, Federal Register notices, and/or registrant and product lists.
Antimicrobial Efficacy
- Antimicrobial Testing Methods & Procedures describe the methods used by the OPP Microbiology Laboratory to determine the efficacy of hard surface disinfectants against Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella choleraesuis, and Mycobacterium bovis BCG. Methods are available for liquid, spray, and towelette formulations. The SOPs were derived from official AOAC (AOAC International) methods.
Sales and Usage Data
- Pesticide Industry Sales and Usage Reports provide contemporary and historical economic profile information on the U.S. pesticide producing and using sectors covered by regulatory programs mandated by FIFRA. Economic profile information is provided on a variety of topics, particularly the pesticide market in terms of dollar values and quantities of active ingredient.