On February 15, 2017, per an announcement in the Federal Register (FR) [FRL 9959-29-OAR Exit], EPA released a public review draft of the Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2015 (GHG Inventory).
EPA has published an inventory of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions each year since 1993. Each February, EPA releases a public review draft of the GHG Inventory, prior to finalizing the report by April 15. EPA opens a public comment period for 30 days after release of the public review draft to request recommendations for improving the overall quality of upcoming GHG Inventory report, as well as subsequent reports.
To learn more about the GHG Inventory and read the final report, visit: www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/inventory-us-greenhouse-gas-emissions-and-sinks
Below are the comments EPA received on the public review draft of the 1990-2015 GHG Inventory report. EPA has reviewed these comments and has responded within the relevant sections of the Inventory report, where applicable. In addition, EPA has compiled responses to all all technical comments on methods and data used in developing the annual GHG Inventory, also posted below.
You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.- Summary of Public Comments and Responses (PDF)(48 pp, 749 K)
- 3M Electronics Materials Solutions (PDF)(4 pp, 2 MB)
- American Fisheries Society (PDF)(1 pg, 49 K)
- American Petroleum Institute (PDF)(5 pp, 367 K)
- Applied Geosolutions and World Resources Institute (PDF)(2 pp, 86 K)
- Center for Carbon Removal (PDF)(2 pp, 14 K)
- Climate Accountability Institute (PDF)(1 pg, 37 K)
- Climate Action Reserve (PDF)(1 pg, 39 K)
- Climate and Land Use Alliance (PDF)(3 pp, 19 K)
- Climate Trust - Aldersebaes (PDF)(1 pg, 13 K)
- Climate Trust - Baird (PDF)(1 pg, 12 K)
- Climate Trust - Weisberg (PDF)(1 pg, 11 K)
- Climate Trust - Zakreski (PDF)(1 pg, 13 K)
- Dogwood Alliance (PDF)(1 pg, 13 K)
- Environmental Defense Fund and Colorado State University (PDF)(11 pp, 1 MB)
- Environmental Interface Limited (PDF)(2 pp, 14 K)
- Federal Highway Administration (PDF)(1 pg, 58 K)
- Ford Foundation - Davies (PDF)(2 pp, 56 K)
- Ford Foundation - Kaimowitz (PDF)(1 pg, 57 K)
- George Washington University (PDF)(1 pg, 13 K)
- Greenhouse Gas Management Institute (PDF)(2 pp, 19 K)
- Halon Alternatives Research Corporation (PDF)(3 pp, 604 K)
- Integrated Sustainability Solutions (PDF)(1 pg, 55 K)
- Ionia Farm (PDF)(1 pg, 14 K)
- National Council for Air and Stream Improvement (PDF)(3 pp, 89 K)
- The Nature Conservancy (PDF)(2 pp, 431 K)
- Portland Cement Association (PDF)(2 pp, 106 K)
- Rhodium Group (PDF)(1 pg, 37 K)
- Trakref (PDF)(4 pp, 104 K)
- University of Virginia (PDF)(2 pp, 64 K)
- U.S. Geological Survey (PDF)(3 pp, 21 K)
- Waste Management, Republic Services, National Waste and Recycling Association, Solid Waste Association of North America, SCS Engineers, and Weaver Consulting Group (PDF)(8 pp, 168 K)
- Water Environment Federation (PDF)(2 pp, 60 K)
- Citizen - A. Aoki (PDF)(1 pg, 12 K)
- Citizen - L. Aoki (PDF)(1 pg, 9 K)
- Citizen - S. Aoki (PDF)(1 pg, 9 K)
- Citizen - Chadwick (PDF)(2 pp, 76 K)
- Citizen - Grote (PDF)(1 pg, 11 K)
- Citizen - Haber (PDF)(1 pg, 13 K)
- Citizen - Horn (PDF)(1 pg, 94 K)
- Citizen - Lawrence (PDF)(1 pg, 14 K)
- Citizen - Macrae (PDF)(1 pg, 33 K)
- Citizen - McKee (PDF)(1 pg, 12 K)
- Citizen - Palomaki (PDF)(1 pg, 15 K)
- Citizen - Ridenour (PDF)(1 pg, 41 K)
- Citizen - Seymour (PDF)(1 pg, 11 K)
- Citizen - Tingley (PDF)(1 pg, 26 K)
- Citizen - Venezia (PDF)(1 pg, 13 K)