RFP for Task Order 002 (July 29, 2014) (Version 1): Version 1 of 2 of a Request for Proposal from Environmental Restoration, LLC soliciting subcontractor bids to procure and manage the reopening and ground support construction at the Upper Gold King Mine (7 level adit). RFP for Task Order 002 (July 29, 2014) (Version 1) (PDF)(58 pp, 5 MB)
RFP for Task Order 002 (July 29, 2014) (Version 2): Version 2 of 2 of a Request for Proposal from Environmental Restoration, LLC soliciting subcontractor bids to procure and manage the reopening and ground support construction at the Upper Gold King Mine (7 level adit). The second version of this RFP has pages in a different order than the first version. We are making both versions available as part of the agency's commitment to transparency. RFP for Task Order 002 (July 29, 2014) (Version 2) (PDF)(58 pp, 6 MB)
Task Order 10 for Red and Bonita Mine (June 26, 2013): Task Order to EPA contractor and related statement of work to temporarily manage water during the mine entry process. Task Order 10 for Red and Bonita Mine (June 26, 2013) (PDF)(6 pp, 1 MB)
Amendment 01 to Task Order 10: Contract modification to extend the period of performance, add incremental funding, and raise the task order ceiling for Task Order 10 for Red and Bonita Mine Site. Amendment 01 to Task Order 10 for Red and Bonita Mine (PDF)(2 pp, 790 K)
Amendment 02 to Task Order 10: Contract modification to add funding for Task Order 10 for Red and Bonita Mine Site. Amendment 02 to Task Order 10 for Red and Bonita Mine (PDF)(2 pp, 855 K)
Amendment 03 to Task Order 10: Contract modification to extend the period of performance. Amendment 03 to Task Order 10 for Red and Bonita Mine (PDF)(2 pp, 569 K)
Amendment 04 to Task Order 10: Contract modification to add funding for Task Order 10 for Red and Bonita Mine Site. Amendment 04 to Task Order 10 for Red and Bonita Mine (PDF)(2 pp, 650 K)
Task Order 51 for Gold King Mine (July 23, 2014): 7/23/14 task order to EPA Emergency and Rapid Response Services (ERRS) contractor and related statement of work for removal assessment work at Gold King Site, in order to reopen the Gold King Mine portal and workings to investigate conditions and assess ongoing releases. Task Order 51 for Gold King Mine (PDF)(9 pp, 402 K)
Amendment 01 to Task Order 51: Contract modification adding correct Davis-Bacon Act Wage Determination to task order 51 for Gold King Mine Site. Amendment 01 to Task Order 51 (PDF)(2 pp, 120 K)
Amendment 02 to Task Order 51: Contract modification extending period of performance for task order 51 for Gold King Mine Site. Amendment 02 to Task Order 51 (PDF)(2 pp, 172 K)
Amendment 03 to Task Order 51: Contract modification adding incremental funding for task order 51 for Gold King Mine Site. Amendment 03 to Task Order 51 (PDF)(2 pp, 227 K)
Work Plan for Task Order 51 (May 2015): Work plan developed by EPA’s ERRS contractor for work related to reopening the Gold King Mine portal and workings to investigate the conditions to assess ongoing releases. Scope of project work included improving Gold King site access, grading the top of the dump as a work area, directing mine discharge to the pond at the Red and Bonita work site, establishing a water treatment system, removing the material covering the adit, installing a new portal structure and rehabilitating the adit as directed by the OSC. Work Plan for Task Order 51 (PDF)(84 pp, 9 MB)
Task Order 62 for Red and Bonita Mine (October 10, 2014): 10/10/14 order to EPA ERRS contractor and related statement of work for removal action work to begin site preparation at the Red and Bonita mine in support of the planned installation of a concrete bulkhead at approximately 265 feet in from the portal by August 2015. Task Order 62 for Red and Bonita Mine (PDF)(7 pp, 746 K)
Amendment 01 to Task Order 62: Contract modification providing additional incremental funding for task order 62 for Red and Bonita Mine Site. Amendment 01 to Task Order 62 (PDF)(2 pp, 252 K)
Amendment 001 to RFP Associated with Task Order 62 for Red and Bonita Mine: Environmental Restoration, LLC issued this amendment to provide answers to questions provided by the bidders, and to describe an additional scope of work. Amendment 001 to RFP Associated with Task Order 62 (PDF)(70 pp, 32 MB)
Task Order 77 for Gold King Mine Release (August 6, 2015): 8/6/15 order to EPA ERRS contractor and related statement of work for removal action at Gold King Site. Purpose of removal work: Provide drinking water for human consumption and for livestock; continue construction of the settling ponds and emergency treatment of the mine discharge; provide for removal of sediments at irrigation system intakes; and additional tasks. Task Order 77 for Gold King Mine Release (PDF)(7 pp, 484 K)
Amendment 01 to Task Order 77: Contract modification to add incremental funding to Task Order 77. Amendment 01 to Task Order 77 (PDF)(2 pp, 557 K)
Amendment 02 to Task Order 77: Contract modification to add incremental funding and add janitorial services to Task Order 77. Amendment 02 to Task Order 77 (PDF)(2 pp, 558 K)
Amendment 03 to Task Order 77: Contract modification to add incremental funding to Task Order 77. Amendment 03 to Task Order 77 (PDF)(2 pp, 557 K)
Amendment 04 to Task Order 77: Contract modification to add incremental funding and incorporate General Decision No. C0150022 into Task Order 77. Amendment 04 to Task Order 77 (PDF)(2 pp, 556 K)
Work Plan for Task Order 77 (August 2015): Work plan developed by EPA’s ERRS contractor for work related to the large August 5, 2015 release into Cement Creek. Scope of project work included providing drinking water for human consumption and for livestock; continuing construction of settling ponds and emergency treatment of the mine discharge; providing for removal of sediments at irrigation system intakes; and several additional tasks. Work Plan for Task Order 77 (Gold King Mine Release) (PDF)(88 pp, 11 MB)
RFP for Task Order 77 (August 25, 2015): A Request for Proposal from EPA’s ERRS contractor soliciting subcontractor bids to construct a pipeline to convey water discharged from the Gold King Mine - 7 Level adit to the ponds at Red and Bonita Mine (and to the future site of a water treatment plant). RFP for Task Order 77 (August 25, 2015) (PDF)(20 pp, 5 MB)
RFP for Task Order 77 (August 21, 2015): A Request for Proposal from EPA’s ERRS contractor soliciting subcontractor bids to install, operate, and maintain an interim water treatment plant for discharges from the Gold King Mine (7 Level adit). RFP for Task Order 77 (August 21, 2015) (PDF)(25 pp, 6 MB)
Task Order 80 for Gold King Mine Release Legal & Documentation (September 22, 2015): Task Order to EPA contractor and related statement of work to provide documentation as requested by Congress, OIG, and EPA, redact and provide copies of contractual documents, and testify at Congressional hearings. Task Order 80 for Gold King Mine Release Legal & Documentation (PDF)(7 pp, 676 K)
Response to RFP for Interim Water Treatment Plant (August 2015): Alexco Environmental Group prepared this document in response to a Request for Proposal for design, construction, installation, operations and maintenance of an interim water treatment plant at Gladstone, CO. Alexco Environmental Group Inc. Response to RFP for Interim Water Treatment Plant (August 2015) (PDF)(43 pp, 9 MB)
Final Site Health and Safety Plan for Red and Bonita (July 26, 2013): A Health and Safety Plan developed for EPA by the ERRS contractor to describe health and safety guidelines for the Red and Bonita Mine Site, to protect on-site personnel, visitors, and the public from physical harm and exposure to hazardous materials or wastes. Final Site Health and Safety Plan for Red and Bonita (July 26, 2013) (PDF)(30 pp, 7 MB)
Emergency and Rapid Response Services (ERRS) Contract # EP-S8-13-02 Between EPA and Environmental Restoration, LLC (April 11, 2013): A contract to provide fast responsive environmental cleanup services for hazardous substances/wastes/contaminants/materials and petroleum products/oil for EPA Region 8. The modifications to contract # EP-S8-13-02 are listed as separate documents. Emergency and Rapid Response Services (ERRS) Contract # EP-S8-13-02 Between EPA and Environmental Restoration, LLC (April 11, 2013) (PDF)(144 pp, 3 MB)
Modification 01 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to add funding. Modification 01 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 760 K)
Modification 02 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to add funding. Modification 02 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 751 K)
Modification 03 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to funding. Modification 03 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 764 K)
Modification 04 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to add funding. Modification 04 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 770 K)
Modification 05 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to add funding. Modification 05 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 762 K)
Modification 06 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to add funding. Modification 06 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(3 pp, 849 K)
Modification 07 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to add an additional labor category and several equipment items to the pricing schedule. Modification 07 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(4 pp, 853 K)
Modification 08 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to add funding. Modification 08 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 731 K)
Modification 09 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to add funding. Modification 09 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 733 K)
Modification 10 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to deobligate funds. Modification 10 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 705 K)
Modification 11 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to add funding and change the Contracting Officer Representative. Modification 11 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 827 K)
Modification 12 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to update the SCA wage determination, change several labor rates, and add a new clause concerning use of the FedConnect web portal. Modification 12 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 960 K)
Modification 13 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to add funding. Modification 13 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 808 K)
Modification 14 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to add funding. Modification 14 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 831 K)
Modification 15 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to add funding. Modification 15 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 806 K)
Modification 16 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to add funding. Modification 16 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(3 pp, 950 K)
Modification 17 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to incorporate the indirect cost rate agreement, change the invoice office address, and add funding. Modification 17 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 838 K)
Modification 18 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to add funding. Modification 18 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 831 K)
Modification 19 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to deobligate unused Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund money due to terms of new Interagency Agreement. Modification 19 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 809 K)
Modification 20 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to add funding. Modification 20 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 806 K)
Modification 21 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to move funds from contract line item 0003 to contract line item 0004. Modification 21 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 825 K)
Modification 22 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to add funding. Modification 22 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 799 K)
Modification 23 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to add funding. Modification 23 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 799 K)
Modification 24 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to add two clauses and change the contract rate for laborer. Modification 24 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 839 K)
Modification 25 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to add funding. Modification 25 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 798 K)
Modification 26 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to add a clause that was omitted from the solicitation / contract regarding the option to extend the term of the contract. Modification 26 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 752 K)
Modification 27 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to exercise Option 1 to extend the contract end date, update the SCA wage determination, adjust contract labor rates in accordance with new wage determination, and add a clause. Modification 27 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(3 pp, 1 MB)
Modification 28 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to add funding. Modification 28 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 800 K)
Modification 29 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to add funding. Modification 29 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 826 K)
Modification 30 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to add funding. Modification 30 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 830 K)
Modification 31 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to correct Modification 30 by specifying the option the funding applies to. Modification 31 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(1 pg, 708 K)
Modification 32 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to add funding to Option Period 1. Modification 32 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 850 K)
Modification 33 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to add funding to Option Period 1. Modification 33 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 823 K)
Modification 34 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02: Contract modification to add funding. Modification 34 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 800 K)
List of documents referred to above:
You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.- RFP for Task Order 002 (July 29, 2014) (Version 1) (PDF)(58 pp, 5 MB)
- RFP for Task Order 002 (July 29, 2014) (Version 2) (PDF)(58 pp, 6 MB)
- Task Order 10 for Red and Bonita Mine (June 26, 2013) (PDF)(6 pp, 1 MB)
- Amendment 01 to Task Order 10 for Red and Bonita Mine (PDF)(2 pp, 790 K)
- Amendment 02 to Task Order 10 for Red and Bonita Mine (PDF)(2 pp, 855 K)
- Amendment 03 to Task Order 10 for Red and Bonita Mine (PDF)(2 pp, 569 K)
- Amendment 04 to Task Order 10 for Red and Bonita Mine (PDF)(2 pp, 650 K)
- Task Order 51 for Gold King Mine (PDF)(9 pp, 402 K)
- Amendment 01 to Task Order 51 (PDF)(2 pp, 120 K)
- Amendment 02 to Task Order 51 (PDF)(2 pp, 172 K)
- Amendment 03 to Task Order 51 (PDF)(2 pp, 227 K)
- Work Plan for Task Order 51 (PDF)(84 pp, 9 MB)
- Task Order 62 for Red and Bonita Mine (PDF)(7 pp, 746 K)
- Amendment 01 to Task Order 62 (PDF)(2 pp, 252 K)
- Amendment 001 to RFP Associated with Task Order 62 (PDF)(70 pp, 32 MB)
- Task Order 77 for Gold King Mine Release (PDF)(7 pp, 484 K)
- Amendment 01 to Task Order 77 (PDF)(2 pp, 557 K)
- Amendment 02 to Task Order 77 (PDF)(2 pp, 558 K)
- Amendment 03 to Task Order 77 (PDF)(2 pp, 557 K)
- Amendment 04 to Task Order 77 (PDF)(2 pp, 556 K)
- Work Plan for Task Order 77 (Gold King Mine Release) (PDF)(88 pp, 11 MB)
- RFP for Task Order 77 (August 25, 2015) (PDF)(20 pp, 5 MB)
- RFP for Task Order 77 (August 21, 2015) (PDF)(25 pp, 6 MB)
- Task Order 80 for Gold King Mine Release Legal & Documentation (PDF)(7 pp, 676 K)
- Alexco Environmental Group Inc. Response to RFP for Interim Water Treatment Plant (August 2015) (PDF)(43 pp, 9 MB)
- Final Site Health and Safety Plan for Red and Bonita (July 26, 2013) (PDF)(30 pp, 7 MB)
- Emergency and Rapid Response Services (ERRS) Contract # EP-S8-13-02 Between EPA and Environmental Restoration, LLC (April 11, 2013) (PDF)(144 pp, 3 MB)
- Modification 01 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 760 K)
- Modification 02 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 751 K)
- Modification 03 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 764 K)
- Modification 04 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 770 K)
- Modification 05 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 762 K)
- Modification 06 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(3 pp, 849 K)
- Modification 07 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(4 pp, 853 K)
- Modification 08 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 731 K)
- Modification 09 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 733 K)
- Modification 10 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 705 K)
- Modification 11 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 827 K)
- Modification 12 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 960 K)
- Modification 13 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 808 K)
- Modification 14 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 831 K)
- Modification 15 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 806 K)
- Modification 16 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(3 pp, 950 K)
- Modification 17 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 838 K)
- Modification 18 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 831 K)
- Modification 19 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 809 K)
- Modification 20 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 806 K)
- Modification 21 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 825 K)
- Modification 22 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 799 K)
- Modification 23 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 799 K)
- Modification 24 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 839 K)
- Modification 25 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 798 K)
- Modification 26 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 752 K)
- Modification 27 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(3 pp, 1 MB)
- Modification 28 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 800 K)
- Modification 29 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 826 K)
- Modification 30 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 830 K)
- Modification 31 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(1 pg, 708 K)
- Modification 32 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 850 K)
- Modification 33 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 823 K)
- Modification 34 to Contract # EP-S8-13-02 (PDF)(2 pp, 800 K)