Embayments around Cape Cod, Massachusetts are now becoming eutrophic due to the high nutrient loadings—primarily nitrogen—from both surface water and groundwater sources. A project team including a diverse group of stakeholders evaluated potential green infrastructure sites through field visits.
This report summarizes the screening process used to identify the sites in two communities, Yarmouth and Barnstable. It also presents conceptual designs tailored to the land use and configuration of the two sites (an existing elementary school and a proposed marina redevelopment) to showcase additional benefits of utilizing green infrastructure for water quality treatment.
You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.- Nitrogen-reducing Green Infrastructure in Environmental Justice Communities: Barnstable/Yarmouth, Cape Cod, MA (PDF)(82 pp, 9 MB, April 21016, EPA-832-R-15-008)