Training Courses for the Renovation, Repair and Painting Program
On this page:
- Traditional Print Format Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule Model Training Courses
- E-learning Format Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule Model Training Courses
- Expedited Approval Process for E-Learning for Certain Training Providers
Traditional Print Format Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule Model Training Courses
EPA has developed four training courses to provide instruction to individuals seeking certification as a renovator or dust sampling technician.
- Renovator - Model Initial Training
- Renovator - Model Refresher Training
- Dust Sampling Technician - Model Initial Training
- Dust Sampling Technician - Model Refresher Training
Electronic-Learning Format Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule Model Training Courses
EPA has also developed electronic-learning (E-learning) model courses for the Initial Renovator, Refresher Renovator and Lead Dust Sampling Technician courses. Training providers that chose to use the EPA model E-learning course must incorporate the model course into a learning management system. Training providers may develop their own E-learning refresher courses and submit the alternative course with their application for review. All applicants must include a Quality Control (QC) plan. The QC plan must also include an Internet Web address where the E-learning course content can be reviewed and audited. The QC plan must include the Web address and a user name and password that EPA can use to access the course that the trainer has developed whether using their own curriculum or using the EPA E-learning curriculum. EPA cannot process or review applications that do not include a web address at which the course can be reviewed. The QC plan Requirements are specified here: Electronic-Learning Course Component Specifications (PDF) .
A training provider may request a copy of the following model E-learning course materials. The materials will be sent using an EPA service called “GoAnywhere” due to the size of the course files. Request a copy of the following model E-Learning Curriculum(s).
- Initial Renovator Model E-learning Course
- Refresher Renovator Model E-learning Course (with and with-out a hands-on component)
- Initial Lead Dust Sampling Technician Model E-learning Course
Expedited Approval Process for E-Learning for Certain Training Providers
EPA has developed an expedited process for training providers with an existing EPA accreditation to teach the initial or refresher renovator RRP course. This process allows accredited trainers to amend their accreditations in order to offer an electronic learning (E-learning) course component using a course and learning management system from a trainer accredited by EPA to provide E-learning training. Use our training course search tool to find which trainers are accredited to provide renovator E-learning training. Through this process, EPA will issue to the training provider a separate accreditation number specifying that the provider is accredited for E-learning. The expedited process may not be used by training providers to make other changes to their accreditation, e.g., it does not allow for changes to student-to-teacher ratio, facility information, permanent location vs. traveling trainer location, etc. To make these changes, please contact the appropriate regional lead coordinator. Learn more.