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EPA/HUD Model Lead Dust Sampling Technician Training Course

EPA/HUD Model Lead Dust Sampling Technician Course
(Instructor Manual EPA-740-R-09-006)
(Student Manual EPA-740-R-09-005)
October 2011

This course was developed by the U.S. EPA, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), to teach contractors how to conduct non-abatement lead dust clearance testing under EPA's Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) Rule and clearance examinations under HUD's Lead Safe Housing Rule. Below are links for the lead dust sampling technician model training course materials.

You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more.

Summary of New Updates/Corrections. The course has been revised to address regulatory changes that became effective in October 2011.

Training manuals. These are complete printing files that include: cover, spine, modules, and appendices.

Source files. The Powerpoint files of each module are provided for presentation purposes. The Powerpoint and Word source files are also included so that the course can be updated to include pertinent state and local requirements.

Note: The course chapters are made up of both Word and Powerpoint files. They include a Powerpoint file of the slides, and a Word file of the attachments. In addition to these files, the Instructor manual includes a short introductory Word document for each chapter. Both the Instructor and Student Manuals have overview documents.
