Methane Challenge Reporting
Methane Challenge Partners report annually, on a calendar year basis. Partners begin reporting after their first full calendar year of participation in the Program. For example, if a Partner joins the program mid-2020, that Partner will begin reporting in 2022. This first report will include data on activities conducted during calendar year 2021.
Reporting Methods and Data Elements
Information on the data that will be reported annually can be found in the Methane Challenge Program Technical Documents.
BMP Technical Document
ONE Future Technical Document
Reporting Timeline
Methane Challenge Partners report annually, on a calendar year basis. Partners begin reporting after their first full calendar year of participation in the Program. For example, if a Partner joins the program mid-2020, that Partner will begin reporting in 2022. This first report will include data on activities conducted during calendar year 2021.
Annual reporting for both commitment options will open in the late summer/early fall each year. Partners will have at least one month to complete and submit reports. The specific reporting timeline for a reporting season will be communicated to implementation managers via email several weeks before reporting is scheduled to begin.
Sample Reporting Forms
Download sample versions of the Methane Challenge reporting forms below:
Methane Challenge BMP SAMPLE Reporting Form(124 K)
Methane Challenge ONE Future SAMPLE Reporting Form(374 K)
Note: these are sample versions only; partners must download a reporting form for each of their facilities from e-GGRT directly. The reporting system will not accept reports submitted on these sample reporting forms.
Reporting System
All Methane Challenge reporting is completed through the e-GGRT system. Additional information can be found on the Methane Challenge help page in e-GGRT.
Reporting Webinar
View an on-demand presentation on Methane Challenge Reporting for 2019 data (recorded in November 2020). This presentation includes a summary of new features in 2020 for Methane Challenge reporting in e-GGRT and provides an overview of the reporting workflows for partners reporting for the first time.
2020 Methane Challenge Reporting Updates and Workflows Walkthrough Exit
Companies in both Methane Challenge and Natural Gas STAR
Companies that participate in both the Natural Gas STAR and Methane Challenge Programs need only report any given voluntary action/methane reduction once. All actions/reductions that are covered by Methane Challenge reporting for the partner's commitments should be reported to Methane Challenge. If partners complete voluntary methane reducing activities that are not covered by Methane Challenge reporting, they are welcome to report those to Natural Gas STAR.
Contact the Methane Challenge Program managers for more information at