Integrated Planning Implementation Documents
- Implementation of Integrated Planning in Accordance with the 2019 Water Infrastructure Improvement Act - EPA memorandum highlighting new provisions in the Water Infrastructure Improvement Act (WIIA), signed into law on January 14, 2019, and how EPA will continue to support communities and states on integrated planning and green infrastructure.
- Preliminary List of Municipalities' Integrated Plans - Preliminary list of municipalities that indicated they are developing or have published a full or partial integrated plan.
- Implementation of Integrated Planning and Green Infrastructure through Enforcement Tools - EPA memorandum intended to ensure consistent implementation WIIA which requires EPA to inform municipalities of the opportunity to develop an integrated plan and to promote the use of green infrastructure, as appropriate, in consent decrees and settlement agreements in enforcement actions.
- Making the Right Choices for Your Utility: Using Sustainability Criteria for Water Infrastructure Decision Making - EPA works with utilities and stakeholders using this decision-making guide where water sector utilities can use sustainability criteria in the comparison of various infrastructure alternatives. These sustainability criteria are based on a Triple Bottom Line approach (environmental, economic, and social) and can be used under element four of EPA’s Integrated Planning Framework. This provides a wider perspective than more traditional criteria which are usually based on regulatory, cost, or performance considerations.
- Financial Capability Assessment (FCA) Framework for Municipal Clean Water Act Requirements – Provides greater clarity on the flexibilities built into the FCA guidance that local governments or authorities can use in assessing their financial capability.
- Integrated Municipal Stormwater and Wastewater Planning Approach Framework – Provides guidance for EPA, states, and local governments to develop and implement effective integrated plans under the CWA. This framework was finalized after extensive public input including a series of workshops across the country.
- Integrated Municipal Stormwater and Wastewater Planning Frequently Asked Questions – EPA's responses to frequently asked questions about the integrated planning process.
- Achieving Water Quality Through Integrated Municipal Stormwater and Wastewater Plans - Memorandum from EPA headquarters to EPA regional offices to work with states and communities to get the most effective and cost-effective approaches for meeting EPA's shared objective of clean water that protects public health and the environment.
- Combined Sewer Overflows - Guidance for Financial Capability Assessment and Schedule Development (FCA Guidance) – Provides an aid for assessing financial capability as part of negotiating schedules for CWA requirements for municipalities and local authorities.